GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Package org.openspaces.persistency.patterns

Set of patterns that can be used to wrap different external data sources.


Interface Summary
ExceptionHandler A generic handler for exception handling.
ManagedDataSourceEntriesProvider A marker interface for ManagedDataSource that can provide a list of all the given entries this managed data source handles.

Class Summary
AbstractManagedDataSourceDelegator Base class that delegates execution to data source.
AbstractManagedDataSourceSplitter A base class for a splitter data source.
BulkDataPersisterExceptionHandler An exception handler that delegates BulkDataPersister execution and calls the provided ExceptionHandler in case of exceptions.
BulkDataPersisterSplitter A bulk data persister that implements the execute bulk operation.
DataProviderSplitter A data provider that redirects template based operations to the given data source that can handle its type.
SQLDataProviderSplitter A sql data provider that redirects the sql basded operatinos to the given data source that can handle the given type.

Package org.openspaces.persistency.patterns Description

Set of patterns that can be used to wrap different external data sources.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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