UpdateModifiers.h File Reference

Detailed Description


enum  UpdateModifiers { WRITE_ONLY = Modifiers::WRITE, UPDATE_ONLY = Modifiers::UPDATE, UPDATE_OR_WRITE = Modifiers::UPDATE_OR_WRITE, PARTIAL_UPDATE = Modifiers::PARTIAL_UPDATE }
 The modifiers that specifically relate to the write/update operations of the Space. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum UpdateModifiers

The modifiers that specifically relate to the write/update operations of the Space.

See also:
WRITE_ONLY  When set: the entry to be written must not reside in the space. Otherwise, the operation fails and throws exception.
UPDATE_ONLY  When set: the entry to be updated must reside in the space. Otherwise, the operation fails and throws exception.
UPDATE_OR_WRITE  When set: if the entry to be written or updated does not reside in the space, a new entry is written.
PARTIAL_UPDATE  If set, null values in the updated entry are treated as "leave as it is".

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