Contains classes and attributes which handle type metadata for space operations.
Declaration Syntax
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ | J# |
namespace GigaSpaces.Core.Metadata
Namespace GigaSpaces.Core.Metadata
namespace GigaSpaces.Core.Metadata
package GigaSpaces.Core.Metadata
All Types | Classes | Interfaces | Enumerations |
Icon | Type | Description |
CompoundSpaceIndexAttribute |
Specify a compound space index.
| |
FifoSupport |
Determines FIFO operations support.
| |
IncludeMembers |
Determines which members are automatically stored in the space.
| |
ISpaceIndex |
Encapsulates information about an index of a space type.
ISpaceTypeDescriptor | |
ISpacePropertyDescriptor |
Encapsulates information about a property of a space type.
| |
ISpaceTypeDescriptor |
Encapsulates information about a space type.
| |
ISpaceTypeManager |
Interface encapsulating operations for getting and managing space type descriptors.
Use TypeManager to retrieve the type manager of a CopyC# SpaceProxy | |
SpaceClassAttribute |
Provides space metadata information about a class.
| |
SpaceDynamicPropertiesAttribute |
Indicates that the decorated property will be used to store and retrieve dynamic properties.
The property's class can be either IDictionary<(Of <(TKey, TValue>)>), Dictionary<(Of <(TKey, TValue>)>) or DocumentProperties.
| |
SpaceExcludeAttribute |
Specifies that the annotated field/property will not be stored in the space, regardless
of its accessor or the SpaceClass settings.
| |
SpaceFifoGroupingIndexAttribute |
Specifies that the annotated property will be used as a fifo grouping index.
Defines a space FIFO grouping index.
Can be declared on several properties in a class in order to assist in efficient traversal.
If defined, there must be a property in the class, marked as SpaceFifoGroupingPropertyAttribute
A compound index that contains this FIFO grouping index and the FIFO grouping property will be created.
FIFO grouping index can be declared on a nested property, by specifying a path as done for ISpaceIndex.
For example:
1. To index the 'socialSecurity' property
CopyC# [SpaceFifoGroupingIndex] public long SocialSecurity() { get; set; } CopyC# [SpaceFifoGroupingIndex(path = "name")] public long SocialSecurity() { get; set; } | |
SpaceFifoGroupingPropertyAttribute |
Specifies that the annotated property will be used as the fifo grouping property.
If defined, the FifoGroupingPoll or FifoGroupingPoll
modifiers can be used to return all space entries that match the selection template in FIFO order.
Different values of the FG property define groups of space entries that match each value -
FIFO ordering exists within each group and not between different groups.
There can be only one FIFO Grouping property per type.
FIFO grouping property can be declared on a nested property, by specifying a path as done for SpaceIndex.
For example:
1. To declare the 'symbolName' property as fifoGroupingProperty
CopyC# [SpaceFifoGroupingProperty] public String SymbolName { get; set; } gigaSpace.take(new Symbol("symbolA"), timeout, <see cref="F:GigaSpaces.Core.TakeModifiers.FifoGroupingPoll" />) CopyC# [spaceFifoGroupingProperty(path = "name")] public Info PersonalInfo { get; set; } | |
SpaceIDAttribute |
Specifies that the annotated field/property will be used as the entity's primary key.
| |
SpaceIndexAttribute |
Specifies the annotated field/property will be index using the specified index type.
| |
SpaceIndexType |
Determines the index type of a field.
| |
SpacePersistAttribute |
Specifies that this field/property is used to indicate whether to persist this instance.
The field/property is not stored in the space, and must be of type Boolean.
| |
SpacePropertyAttribute |
Specifies that the annotated field/property will be stored in the space, regardless
of its accessor or the SpaceClass settings. You can also specify its indexing level
and null value.
| |
SpacePropertyDescriptor |
Encapsulates information about a property of a space type.
| |
SpaceRoutingAttribute |
Specifies that this field/property is used for routing in clustered spaces. The field/property will be
stored in the space.
| |
SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder |
A builder class for creating ISpaceTypeDescriptor instances.
For example, to create a type descriptor with type name 'foo' and id property 'bar' use the following code:
CopyC# SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder builder = new SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder("foo"); CopyC# builder.IdProperty "bar"; CopyC# ISpaceTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = builder.Create(); | |
SpaceVersionAttribute |
Specifies that this field/property stores the entry's version. The field/property is
not stored in the space, and must be of type Int32.
| |
StorageType |
Determines how a user defined object will be stored in the space.