GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface MulticastRequestDecoder

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Server, X500Server

public interface MulticastRequestDecoder
extends DiscoveryFormatProvider

Interface implemented by classes which decode multicast request data according to discovery protocol formats.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Method Summary
 MulticastRequest decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker)
          Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jini.discovery.DiscoveryFormatProvider

Method Detail


MulticastRequest decodeMulticastRequest(ByteBuffer buf,
                                        InvocationConstraints constraints,
                                        ClientSubjectChecker checker)
                                        throws IOException
Decodes the multicast request data contained in the given buffer in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any), returning a MulticastRequest instance that contains the decoded data. null constraints are considered equivalent to empty constraints. All the specified constraints are checked before this method returns.

buf - a buffer containing the packet data to decode. The multicast request data must begin at position zero of buf.
constraints - the constraints to apply when decoding the data, or null
checker - the object to use to check the client subject, or null
the decoded multicast request data
IOException - if an error occurs in interpreting the data
UnsupportedConstraintException - if unable to satisfy the specified constraints
SecurityException - if the given constraints cannot be satisfied due to insufficient caller permissions, or if the client subject check fails
NullPointerException - if buf is null

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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