GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Package com.sun.jini.discovery

Provides a set of constraints, low-level utility classes, and provider interfaces for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the multicast request, multicast announcement, and unicast discovery protocols.


Interface Summary
ClientSubjectChecker Interface for approving or rejecting client subjects during unicast discovery and decoding of multicast requests.
DatagramBufferFactory Factory that produces byte buffers, each corresponding to a separate datagram packet to be sent.
DelayedMulticastAnnouncementDecoder Interface implemented by classes which decode multicast announcement data and additionally support delayed constraint checking.
DelayedMulticastRequestDecoder Interface implemented by classes which decode multicast request data and additionally support delayed constraint checking.
DiscoveryFormatProvider Interface implemented by all discovery format provider classes, which is used by the Discovery class to identify format providers available via resource, as described in the documentation for the Discovery.getProtocol2(ClassLoader) method.
EncodeIterator Iterator for performing multicast encode operations on (potentially) multiple discovery format providers.
MulticastAnnouncementDecoder Interface implemented by classes which decode multicast announcement data according to discovery protocol formats.
MulticastAnnouncementEncoder Interface implemented by classes which encode multicast announcement data according to discovery protocol formats.
MulticastRequestDecoder Interface implemented by classes which decode multicast request data according to discovery protocol formats.
MulticastRequestEncoder Interface implemented by classes which encode multicast request data according to discovery protocol formats.
UnicastDiscoveryClient Interface implemented by classes which perform the client (discovering) side of unicast discovery.
UnicastDiscoveryServer Interface implemented by classes which handle the server (lookup service) side of unicast discovery.

Class Summary
ClientPermissionChecker Implementation of ClientSubjectChecker that approves or rejects client subjects based on whether or not they have been granted a particular permission.
Discovery Class providing methods for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the discovery protocol.
DiscoveryConstraints Class for processing constraints which apply to the discovery protocol: DiscoveryProtocolVersion, MulticastMaxPacketSize, MulticastTimeToLive, UnicastSocketTimeout, ConnectionRelativeTime, ConnectionAbsoluteTime.
DiscoveryConstraintTrustVerifier Trust verifier for instances of the constraint classes defined in the com.sun.jini.discovery package.
DiscoveryProtocolVersion Represents a constraint on the version of the discovery protocol used to contact lookup services.
MulticastAnnouncement Class representing the values in a multicast announcement.
MulticastMaxPacketSize Represents a constraint on the size (in bytes) of multicast packets used in the multicast request and multicast announcement discovery protocols.
MulticastRequest Class representing the values in a multicast request.
MulticastTimeToLive Represents a constraint on the time to live (TTL) value set on outgoing multicast request and multicast announcement packets.
UnicastResponse Class representing the values obtained as the result of unicast discovery.
UnicastSocketTimeout Represents a constraint on the timeout set on sockets used for unicast discovery.

Exception Summary
DiscoveryProtocolException Exception indicating a discovery protocol error, such as failure to interpret packet data, or multicast request/announcement data that cannot fit within a given packet length.

Package com.sun.jini.discovery Description

Provides a set of constraints, low-level utility classes, and provider interfaces for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the multicast request, multicast announcement, and unicast discovery protocols.

The DiscoveryProtocolVersion, MulticastMaxPacketSize, MulticastTimeToLive and UnicastSocketTimeout classes represent constraints which can be applied to multicast and unicast discovery. The DiscoveryConstraints class offers convenience methods for querying the values expressed by groups of these constraints. The Discovery class provides methods implementing various low-level discovery protocol operations, such as encoding and decoding multicast packet contents and unicast discovery data. These methods accept as arguments instances of the MulticastRequest, MulticastAnnouncement and UnicastResponse classes, which represent the values (independent of protocol details) to be transmitted by multicast requests, multicast announcements, and unicast discovery.

The Discovery class implements both versions 1 and 2 of the discovery protocols. For version 2 of the protocols, it accepts pluggable format providers, specified via resource using the DiscoveryFormatProvider interface, which implement the MulticastRequestEncoder, MulticastRequestDecoder, MulticastAnnouncementEncoder, MulticastAnnouncementDecoder, UnicastDiscoveryClient, and UnicastDiscoveryServer format provider sub-interfaces.

See Also:
"Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification"

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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