GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface UnicastDiscoveryServer

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public interface UnicastDiscoveryServer
extends DiscoveryFormatProvider

Interface implemented by classes which handle the server (lookup service) side of unicast discovery.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Method Summary
 void checkUnicastDiscoveryConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
          Checks and returns normally if this server is capable of fulfilling the given absolute constraints.
 void handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response, Socket socket, InvocationConstraints constraints, ClientSubjectChecker checker, Collection context, ByteBuffer received, ByteBuffer sent)
          Handles the server side of unicast discovery, transmitting the given response data over the provided socket using the given collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any).
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jini.discovery.DiscoveryFormatProvider

Method Detail


void checkUnicastDiscoveryConstraints(InvocationConstraints constraints)
                                      throws UnsupportedConstraintException
Checks and returns normally if this server is capable of fulfilling the given absolute constraints. null constraints are considered equivalent to empty constraints.

constraints - the constraints to check, or null
UnsupportedConstraintException - if unable to satisfy the specified constraints
SecurityException - if the given constraints cannot be satisfied due to insufficient caller permissions


void handleUnicastDiscovery(UnicastResponse response,
                            Socket socket,
                            InvocationConstraints constraints,
                            ClientSubjectChecker checker,
                            Collection context,
                            ByteBuffer received,
                            ByteBuffer sent)
                            throws IOException
Handles the server side of unicast discovery, transmitting the given response data over the provided socket using the given collection of object stream context objects in a manner that satisfies the specified absolute constraints and client subject checker (if any). Byte buffers containing the data received and sent so far over the given socket (for the unicast discovery protocol 2 handshake) are provided for use by formats which integrity protect or otherwise incorporate the handshake data. null constraints are considered equivalent to empty constraints.

response - the unicast response data to transmit
socket - the socket on which to handle unicast discovery
constraints - the constraints to apply to unicast discovery, or null
checker - the object to use to check the client subject, or null
context - the collection of context information objects to use when marshalling the registrar proxy
received - a buffer containing the data already received
sent - a buffer containing the data already sent
IOException - if an error occurs in interpreting received data or in formatting data to send
UnsupportedConstraintException - if unable to satisfy the specified constraints
SecurityException - if the given constraints cannot be satisfied due to insufficient caller permissions, or if the client subject check fails
NullPointerException - if response, socket, context, received, or sent is null

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.