GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class LandlordProxyVerifier

  extended by com.sun.jini.landlord.LandlordProxyVerifier
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TrustVerifier

public final class LandlordProxyVerifier
extends Object
implements Serializable, TrustVerifier

This class defines a trust verifier for the proxies defined in the landlord package.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
TrustVerifier, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
LandlordProxyVerifier(Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid)
          Returns a verifier for the proxies defined in the landlord package with the specified server reference and server Uuid.
Method Summary
 boolean isTrustedObject(Object obj, TrustVerifier.Context ctx)
          Returns true if the specified proxy object (that is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to the canonical server reference this object was constructed with; otherwise returns false.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LandlordProxyVerifier(Landlord landlord,
                             Uuid landlordUuid)
Returns a verifier for the proxies defined in the landlord package with the specified server reference and server Uuid.

landlord - the reference to the Landlord being used by the leases for communication back to the server.
landlordUuid - a universally unique id that has been assigned to the server granting of the lease. Ideally the Uuid landlord.getUuid would return if landlord implemented ReferentUuid. Used to determine when two leases can be batched together.
UnsupportedOperationException - if landlord does not implement both RemoteMethodControl and TrustEquivalence
NullPointerException - if either argument is null.
Method Detail


public boolean isTrustedObject(Object obj,
                               TrustVerifier.Context ctx)
                        throws RemoteException
Returns true if the specified proxy object (that is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to the canonical server reference this object was constructed with; otherwise returns false.

Specified by:
isTrustedObject in interface TrustVerifier
obj - proxy object that will be compared to this class's stored canonical proxy to determine whether or not the given proxy object is equivalent in trust, content, and function.
ctx - the trust verifier context, to aid in verification of the specified object and its components
true if the specified object (that is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to the canonical inner proxy object referenced in this class; otherwise returns false.
NullPointerException - if any argument is null
RemoteException - if a communication-related exception occurs

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.