GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class ActivatableInvocationHandler

  extended by net.jini.activation.ActivatableInvocationHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, InvocationHandler, TrustEquivalence

public final class ActivatableInvocationHandler
extends Object
implements InvocationHandler, TrustEquivalence, Serializable

An invocation handler for activatable remote objects. If the client constraints of this activatable invocation handler are not null, then the invocation handler's underlying proxy (if any) must implement RemoteMethodControl or a remote invocation will fail with an UnsupportedConstraintException.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ActivatableInvocationHandler(ActivationID id, Remote underlyingProxy)
          Creates an instance with the specified activation identifier, a possibly-null underlying proxy, and null client constraints.
Method Summary
 boolean checkTrustEquivalence(Object obj)
          Returns true if the specified object (which is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and false otherwise.
static boolean equalInterfaces(Object obj1, Object obj2)
          Returns true if the interfaces implemented by obj1's class are the same (and in the same order) as obj2's class.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares the specified object with this ActivatableInvocationHandler for equality.
 ActivationID getActivationID()
          Returns the activation identifier supplied during construction of this invocation handler.
 Object getCurrentProxy()
          Returns the current value for the underlying proxy.
protected  ProxyTrustIterator getProxyTrustIterator()
          Returns a proxy trust iterator for an activatable object that is suitable for use by ProxyTrustVerifier.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value for this object.
 Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
          Processes a method invocation made on the encapsulating proxy instance, proxy, and returns the result.
static boolean sameProxyClass(Object proxy1, Object proxy2)
          Returns true if proxy2 is a generated Proxy (proxy1 is assumed to be one) and the classes of both proxies implement the same ordered list of interfaces, and returns false otherwise.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ActivatableInvocationHandler(ActivationID id,
                                    Remote underlyingProxy)
Creates an instance with the specified activation identifier, a possibly-null underlying proxy, and null client constraints. If the underlying proxy implements RemoteMethodControl and its constraints are not null, the underlying proxy of this instance is a copy of that proxy with null constraints.

id - the activation identifier
underlyingProxy - an underlying proxy, or null
NullPointerException - if id is null
Method Detail


public ActivationID getActivationID()
Returns the activation identifier supplied during construction of this invocation handler.

the activation identifier


public Object getCurrentProxy()
Returns the current value for the underlying proxy.

the underlying proxy


public Object invoke(Object proxy,
                     Method method,
                     Object[] args)
              throws Throwable
Processes a method invocation made on the encapsulating proxy instance, proxy, and returns the result. This method is invoked when a method is invoked on a proxy instance that this handler is associated with.

If the specified method is one of the following java.lang.Object methods, it will be processed as follows:

If the specified method is RemoteMethodControl.setConstraints, then if proxy is an instance of a dynamic proxy class containing this invocation handler, returns a new proxy containing a copy of this invocation handler with the same activation identifier, the new specified client constraints (args[0]), and the current underlying proxy, or if the current underlying proxy implements RemoteMethodControl, a copy of that proxy with the new specified client constraints. An exception is thrown if proxy is not an instance of a dynamic proxy class containing this invocation handler.

If the specified method is RemoteMethodControl.getConstraints, returns the client constraints.

If the specified method is TrustEquivalence.checkTrustEquivalence, returns true if the argument (args[0]) is an instance of a dynamic proxy class (that is, a class generated by Proxy) that implements the same interfaces as the specified proxy and calling the checkTrustEquivalence method of this invocation handler with the invocation handler of that argument returns true, and returns false otherwise.

For all other methods, a remote invocation is made as follows:

A single set of absolute constraints (if any) is used for the duration of the remote invocation, including any activation that may occur.

The implementation of remote method invocation defined by this class preserves at-most-once call semantics: the remote call either does not execute, partially executes, or executes exactly once at the remote site. Note that for remote calls to activatable objects, arguments may be marshalled more than once.

The semantics of this method are unspecified if the arguments could not have been produced by an instance of some valid dynamic proxy class containing this invocation handler. This method throws IllegalArgumentException if proxy is an instance of InvocationHandler or, if a remote invocation is to be made, any of the superinterfaces of proxy's class have a method with the same name and parameter types as method but that does not declare RemoteException or a superclass of RemoteException in its throws clause (even if such a method is not a member of any of the direct superinterfaces of proxy's class because of overriding).

Specified by:
invoke in interface InvocationHandler
See Also:


protected ProxyTrustIterator getProxyTrustIterator()
Returns a proxy trust iterator for an activatable object that is suitable for use by ProxyTrustVerifier.

The iterator produces the current underlying proxy on each iteration. The iterator produces up to three elements, but after the first element, iteration terminates unless the exception set by a call to setException on the previous iteration is an instance of ConnectException, ConnectIOException, NoSuchObjectException, or UnknownHostException.

On each iteration, if the current underlying proxy is null or the same as the underlying proxy produced by the previous iteration:

A new proxy is obtained by invoking the activate method on the activation identifier, passing false as the argument. That method must return an instance of a dynamic Proxy class, with an invocation handler that is an instance of this class, containing the same activation identifier. If this activation throws one of the following exceptions, the exception is thrown by the next method of the iterator and the iteration terminates:

If the proxy returned by the activate call does not meet the criteria listed above, then an ActivateFailedException is thrown. If the activate call throws RemoteException, then ConnectIOException is thrown with the RemoteException as the cause. If the activate call throws UnknownHostException, then NoSuchObjectException is thrown with the UnknownHostException as the cause. Finally, if the activate call throws ActivationException, then ActivateFailedException is thrown with the ActivationException as the cause.

If a valid, new proxy is returned by the activate call, the underlying proxy of the new proxy is obtained from the new proxy's activatable invocation handler. If the obtained underlying proxy implements RemoteMethodControl, this invocation handler's underlying proxy is set to a copy of the obtained underlying proxy with the client constraints of this instance. Otherwise, this invocation handler's underlying proxy is set to the obtained underlying proxy.

On the first call to the activation identifier's activate method, false is passed as an argument; on subsequent calls true will be passed, if passing false returned the same underlying proxy as before (when compared using the equals method) or if the exception passed to setException is an instance of NoSuchObjectException. If an activation attempt results in an exception, that exception is thrown by the next method of the iterator and iteration terminates.

a proxy trust iterator suitable for use by ProxyTrustVerifier


public boolean checkTrustEquivalence(Object obj)
Returns true if the specified object (which is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and false otherwise.

ActivatableInvocationHandler implements this method as follows:

This method returns true if and only if the following conditions are met:

The underlying proxy of the specified object is set to null if this method returns true and any of the following conditions are met:

Specified by:
checkTrustEquivalence in interface TrustEquivalence
obj - object to check that is not yet known to be trusted
true if the specified object (that is not yet known to be trusted) is equivalent in trust, content, and function to this known trusted object, and returns false otherwise


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified object with this ActivatableInvocationHandler for equality.

This method returns true if and only if the specified object has the same class as this object, and the activation identifier and client constraints in the specified object are equal to the ones in this object.

equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for this object.

hashCode in class Object


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object.

toString in class Object


public static boolean sameProxyClass(Object proxy1,
                                     Object proxy2)
Returns true if proxy2 is a generated Proxy (proxy1 is assumed to be one) and the classes of both proxies implement the same ordered list of interfaces, and returns false otherwise.


public static boolean equalInterfaces(Object obj1,
                                      Object obj2)
Returns true if the interfaces implemented by obj1's class are the same (and in the same order) as obj2's class.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.