GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RelativeTimeConstraint
net.jini.core.constraint Defines constraints and collections of constraints that can be used to control method invocation, and an interface that proxies implement to allow clients to specify constraints for remote method calls. 

Uses of RelativeTimeConstraint in net.jini.core.constraint

Classes in net.jini.core.constraint that implement RelativeTimeConstraint
 class ConnectionRelativeTime
          Represents a constraint on the maximum amount of time to wait for a network connection to be established.
 class ConstraintAlternatives
          Combines two or more constraint alternatives into a single overall constraint.
 class DelegationRelativeTime
          Represents a constraint on delegation, such that if delegation is permitted, it be permitted only for a range of time measured relative to the start of the remote call.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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