GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class LookupLocator

  extended by net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LookupLocator
extends Object
implements Serializable

A utility class that performs unicast discovery, using version 1 of the unicast discovery protocol.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  String host
          The name of the host at which to perform discovery.
protected  int port
          The port number on the host at which to perform discovery.
Constructor Summary
LookupLocator(String url)
          Construct a new LookupLocator object, set up to perform discovery to the given URL.
LookupLocator(String host, int port)
          Construct a new LookupLocator object, set to perform unicast discovery to the input host and port.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Two locators are equal if they have the same host and port fields.
 String getHost()
          Returns the name of the host that this instance should contact.
 int getPort()
          Returns the number of the port to which this instance should connect.
 ServiceRegistrar getRegistrar()
          Perform unicast discovery and return the ServiceRegistrar object for the given lookup service.
 ServiceRegistrar getRegistrar(int timeout)
          Perform unicast discovery and return the ServiceRegistrar object for the given lookup service, with the given discovery timeout.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code value calculated from the host and port field values.
 String toString()
          Return the string form of this LookupLocator, as a URL of scheme "jini".
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String host
The name of the host at which to perform discovery.


protected int port
The port number on the host at which to perform discovery.

Constructor Detail


public LookupLocator(String url)
              throws MalformedURLException
Construct a new LookupLocator object, set up to perform discovery to the given URL. The host and port fields will be populated with the host and port components of the input URL. No host name resolution is attempted.

The syntax of the URL must be that of a hierarchical URI with a server-based naming authority. Requirements for the components are as follows:

The four allowed forms of the URL are thus:


public LookupLocator(String host,
                     int port)
Construct a new LookupLocator object, set to perform unicast discovery to the input host and port. The host and port fields will be populated with the host and port arguments. No host name resolution is attempted.

The host argument must meet any one of the following syntactical requirements:

host - the name of the host to contact
port - the number of the port to connect to
IllegalArgumentException - if port is not between 1 and 65535 (both included) or if host cannot be parsed.
NullPointerException - if host is null
Method Detail


public String getHost()
Returns the name of the host that this instance should contact. LookupLocator implements this method to return the host field.

a String representing the host value


public int getPort()
Returns the number of the port to which this instance should connect. LookupLocator implements this method to return the port field.

an int representing the port value


public ServiceRegistrar getRegistrar()
                              throws IOException,
Perform unicast discovery and return the ServiceRegistrar object for the given lookup service. Unicast discovery is performed anew each time this method is called. LookupLocator implements this method to simply invoke getRegistrar(int) with a timeout value, which is determined by the value of the net.jini.discovery.timeout system property. If the property is set, is not negative, and can be parsed as an Integer, the value of the property is used as the timeout value. Otherwise, a default value of 60 seconds is assumed.

the ServiceRegistrar for the lookup service denoted by this LookupLocator object
IOException - an error occurred during discovery
ClassNotFoundException - if a class required to unmarshal the ServiceRegistrar proxy cannot be found


public ServiceRegistrar getRegistrar(int timeout)
                              throws IOException,
Perform unicast discovery and return the ServiceRegistrar object for the given lookup service, with the given discovery timeout. Unicast discovery is performed anew each time this method is called. LookupLocator implements this method to use the values of the host and port field in determining the host and port to connect to.

If a connection can be established to start unicast discovery but the remote end fails to respond within the given time limit, an exception is thrown.

timeout - the maximum time to wait for a response, in milliseconds. A value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.
the ServiceRegistrar for the lookup service denoted by this LookupLocator object
IOException - an error occurred during discovery
ClassNotFoundException - if a class required to unmarshal the ServiceRegistrar proxy cannot be found
IllegalArgumentException - if timeout is negative


public String toString()
Return the string form of this LookupLocator, as a URL of scheme "jini".

toString in class Object


public boolean equals(Object o)
Two locators are equal if they have the same host and port fields. The case of the host is ignored. Alternative forms of the same IPv6 addresses for the host value are treated as being unequal.

equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value calculated from the host and port field values.

hashCode in class Object

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.