GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use LookupLocator
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
net.jini.admin These interfaces provide common ways to export particular administrative functionality. 
net.jini.core.lookup These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.discovery These are utility classes and interfaces that conform to the discovery and join protocol defined in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification
org.openspaces.admin Entry point for Admin API, allowing to use AdminFactory in order to create an Admin instance. 
org.openspaces.admin.lus Support for managing of Lookup Service(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.deploy A package including the ability to deploy a processing unit onto the Service Grid. 

Uses of LookupLocator in com.j_spaces.core.client

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator[] SpaceURL.getLookupLocators()

Uses of LookupLocator in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator[] TxnManagerImpl.getLookupLocators()

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo with parameters of type LookupLocator
 void TxnManagerImpl.addLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
 void TxnManagerImpl.removeLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
 void TxnManagerImpl.setLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)

Uses of LookupLocator in com.sun.jini.reggie

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator GigaRegistrar.getLocator()
 LookupLocator Registrar.getLocator()
          Returns a LookupLocator that can be used if necessary for unicast discovery of the lookup service.
 LookupLocator[] GigaRegistrar.getLookupLocators()

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type LookupLocator
 void GigaRegistrar.addLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
 void GigaRegistrar.removeLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
 void GigaRegistrar.setLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)

Uses of LookupLocator in net.jini.admin

Methods in net.jini.admin that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator[] JoinAdmin.getLookupLocators()
          Get the list of locators of specific lookup services to join.

Methods in net.jini.admin with parameters of type LookupLocator
 void JoinAdmin.addLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Add locators for specific new lookup services to join.
 void JoinAdmin.removeLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Remove locators for specific lookup services from the set to join.
 void JoinAdmin.setLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Replace the list of locators of specific lookup services to join with a new list.

Uses of LookupLocator in net.jini.core.lookup

Methods in net.jini.core.lookup that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator ServiceRegistrar.getLocator()
          Returns a LookupLocator that can be used if necessary for unicast discovery of the lookup service.

Uses of LookupLocator in net.jini.discovery

Subclasses of LookupLocator in net.jini.discovery
 class ConstrainableLookupLocator
          LookupLocator subclass which supports constraint operations through the RemoteMethodControl interface.

Fields in net.jini.discovery declared as LookupLocator
protected  LookupLocator IncomingMulticastAnnouncement.locator
          The LookupLocator that has been announced.

Methods in net.jini.discovery that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator[] LookupLocatorDiscovery.getDiscoveredLocators()
          Returns the set of LookupLocator objects representing the desired lookup services that are currently discovered.
 LookupLocator IncomingMulticastAnnouncement.getLocator()
          Return a LookupLocator for performing unicast discovery of the announcing lookup service.
 LookupLocator[] DiscoveryLocatorManagement.getLocators()
          Returns an array consisting of the elements of the managed set of locators; that is, instances of LookupLocator in which each instance corresponds to a specific lookup service to discover.
 LookupLocator[] LookupDiscoveryManager.getLocators()
          Returns an array consisting of the elements of the managed set of locators; that is, instances of LookupLocator in which each instance corresponds to a specific lookup service to discover.
 LookupLocator[] LookupDiscoveryRegistration.getLocators()
          Returns an array consisting of the LookupLocator objects corresponding to specific lookup services the lookup discovery service will attempt to discover for this registration.
 LookupLocator[] LookupLocatorDiscovery.getLocators()
          Returns an array consisting of the elements of the managed set of locators; that is, instances of LookupLocator in which each instance corresponds to a specific lookup service to discover.
 LookupLocator[] LookupLocatorDiscovery.getUndiscoveredLocators()
          Returns the set of LookupLocator objects representing the desired lookup services that have not yet been discovered.

Methods in net.jini.discovery with parameters of type LookupLocator
 void DiscoveryLocatorManagement.addLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Adds a set of locators to the managed set of locators.
 void LookupDiscoveryManager.addLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Adds a set of locators to the managed set of locators.
 void LookupDiscoveryRegistration.addLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Adds a set of LookupLocator objects to the managed set of locators associated with this registration.
 void LookupLocatorDiscovery.addLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Adds a set of locators to the managed set of locators.
static DatagramPacket[] OutgoingMulticastAnnouncement.marshal(ServiceID id, LookupLocator loc, String[] groups)
          Marshal a multicast announcement into one or more datagram packets.
 LookupDiscoveryRegistration LookupDiscoveryService.register(String[] groups, LookupLocator[] locators, RemoteEventListener listener, MarshalledObject handback, long leaseDuration)
          Register with the lookup discovery service.
 void DiscoveryLocatorManagement.removeLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Deletes a set of locators from the managed set of locators, and discards any already-discovered lookup service that corresponds to a deleted locator.
 void LookupDiscoveryManager.removeLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Deletes a set of locators from the managed set of locators, and discards any already-discovered lookup service that corresponds to a deleted locator.
 void LookupDiscoveryRegistration.removeLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Deletes a set of of LookupLocator objects from this registration's managed set of locators.
 void LookupLocatorDiscovery.removeLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Deletes a set of locators from the managed set of locators, and discards any already-discovered lookup service that corresponds to a deleted locator.
 void DiscoveryLocatorManagement.setLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Replaces all of the locators in the managed set with locators from a new set, and discards any already-discovered lookup service that corresponds to a locator that is removed from the managed set as a result of an invocation of this method.
 void LookupDiscoveryManager.setLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Replaces all of the locators in the managed set with locators from a new set, and discards any already-discovered lookup service that corresponds to a locator that is removed from the managed set as a result of an invocation of this method.
 void LookupDiscoveryRegistration.setLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Replaces all of the locators in this registration's managed set of locators with a new set of LookupLocator objects.
 void LookupLocatorDiscovery.setLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Replaces all of the locators in the managed set with locators from a new set, and discards any already-discovered lookup service that corresponds to a locator that is removed from the managed set as a result of an invocation of this method.

Constructors in net.jini.discovery with parameters of type LookupLocator
LookupDiscoveryManager(String[] groups, LookupLocator[] locators, DiscoveryListener listener)
          Constructs an instance of this class that will organize and manage all discovery-related activities on behalf of the client or service that instantiates this class.
LookupDiscoveryManager(String[] groups, LookupLocator[] locators, DiscoveryListener listener, Configuration config)
          Constructs an instance of this class, using the given Configuration, that will organize and manage all discovery-related activities on behalf of the client or service that instantiates this class.
LookupLocatorDiscovery(LookupLocator[] locators)
          Creates an instance of this class (LookupLocatorDiscovery), with an initial array of LookupLocators to be managed.
LookupLocatorDiscovery(LookupLocator[] locators, Configuration config)
          Constructs a new lookup locator discovery object, set to discover the given set of locators, and having the given Configuration.

Uses of LookupLocator in org.openspaces.admin

Methods in org.openspaces.admin that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator[] Admin.getLocators()
          Returns the lookup locators this admin uses.

Uses of LookupLocator in org.openspaces.admin.lus

Methods in org.openspaces.admin.lus that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator LookupService.getLookupLocator()

Uses of LookupLocator in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.deploy

Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.deploy that return LookupLocator
 LookupLocator[] Deploy.getLocators()
 LookupLocator[] Undeploy.getLocators()

Methods in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.deploy with parameters of type LookupLocator
static ServiceItem[] ServiceFinder.find(String name, Class type, long wait, String[] groups, LookupLocator[] locators)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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