GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Package com.sun.jini.mahalo

Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service.


Interface Summary
LeaseExpirationMgr.Expirer Interface that allows LeaseExpirationMgr to expire resources.
LeaseManager LeaseManager provides an interface for tracking lease status.
TxnManager Encapsulates the interface of an implementation of a TransactionManager.

Class Summary
AbortJob An implementation of a com.sun.jini.mahalo.Job which interacts with a set of net.jini.core.transaction.server.TransactionParticipants to inform them to roll back changes associated with a given net.jini.core.transaction.Transaction.
CommitJob An implementation of a Job which interacts with a set of TransactionParticipants to inform them to roll forward changes associated with a given Transaction.
Job A Job manages the division of work for a problem whose solution is obtained by assembling partial results to original problem.
LeaseExpirationMgr Lease Mgr implementation that aggressively expires leases as they expiration times occur.
MahaloPermission Represents permissions that can be used to express the access control policy for the Mahalo server exported with a BasicJeriExporter.
MahaloTxnBasicLease TODO add Javadoc
ParticipantTask A ParticipantTask is a general task which interacts with a participant.
PrepareAndCommitJob An implementation of a Job which interacts with a set of TransactionParticipants to inform them to vote and roll forward/back changes associated with a given Transaction.
PrepareJob An implementation of a com.sun.jini.mahalo.Job which interacts with a set of net.jini.core.transaction.server.TransactionParticipants to inform them to vote.
SettlerTask A SettlerTask is scheduled task, which causes an unsettled transaction to settle.
StorableObject This class holds a MarshalledObject that can be stored persistently.
TxnManagerImpl An implementation of the Jini(TM) Transaction Specification.
TxnMgrProxy A TxnMgrProxy is a proxy for the transaction manager service.

Exception Summary

Package com.sun.jini.mahalo Description

Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. Three implementations are available for use with the com.sun.jini.start package:

The JAR file mahalo.jar, included in the lib subdirectory of the Jini(TM) Technology Starter Kit (starter kit) installation, contains the classes for the three Mahalo service implementations. The mahalo-dl.jar and jsk-dl.jar files in the lib-dl subdirectory contain the classes needed in the codebase for its downloaded proxies. None of the JAR files include classes from jsk-platform.jar, which are included by the service starter's start.jar JAR file, and need to be included in the codebase of clients.

The object returned by the Administrable.getAdmin method on a Mahalo service proxy implements JoinAdmin and DestroyAdmin.

This document provides the following information about Mahalo:

Configuring Mahalo

The Mahalo service implementation obtains its configuration by calling ConfigurationProvider.getInstance with the specified configOptions and the class loader for the implementation class.

The implementation supports the following configuration entries, with component com.sun.jini.mahalo:

  Type: ProxyPreparer
  Default: new BasicProxyPreparer()
  Description: The proxy preparer for the service's activation ID. The value should not be null. This entry is obtained at service start and restart. This entry is only used by the activatable implementation.

Clients call the activate method on instances of ActivationID when they need to reactivate the service.

  Type: ProxyPreparer
  Default: new BasicProxyPreparer()
  Description: The proxy preparer for the proxy for the activation system. The value should not be null. This entry is obtained at service start and restart. This entry is only used by the activatable implementation.

The service calls the unregisterObject method on the ActivationSystem when the service is destroyed.

  Type: DiscoveryManagement
new LookupDiscoveryManager(
    null,  // locators
    null,  // listener
    this)  // config
  Description: Supplies an object used to discover the lookup services with which this service should register. The value should not be null. The object returned must also implement DiscoveryGroupManagement and DiscoveryLocatorManagement, and should be configured initially to discover no groups or specific lookup services. This entry is obtained at service start and restart.
  Type: Entry[]
  Default: new Entry[0]
  Description: Entries to include in the set of attributes the service supplies when registering with lookup services, in addition to ServiceInfo and BasicServiceType instances provided by the service. An empty array or null specifies that only the service-provided attributes should be added. The array must not contain null elements. This entry is obtained and used when the service is first started. Following initial startup, the set of attributes is controlled though the service's JoinAdmin administrable interface.
  Type: String[]
  Default: new String[] { "" } /* public group */
  Description: The names of the lookup groups that the service should discover and join. An empty array specifies that no groups should be joined. A null value specifies that all groups should be joined. Otherwise, the value specifies the names of the groups to join. The array must not contain null elements. This entry is obtained and used when the service is first started. Following initial startup, the set of lookup groups is controlled through the service's JoinAdmin administrable interface.
  Type: LookupLocator[]
  Default: new LookupLocator[0]
  Description: The locations of specific lookup services that the service should discover and join. An empty array or null specifies that no specific lookup services should be joined. The array must not contain null elements. This entry is obtained and used when the service is first started. Following initial startup, the set of specific lookup services is controlled through the service's JoinAdmin administrable interface.

The LookupLocator instances specified in this entry will not be prepared by the proxy preparer specified in the locatorPreparer entry, and will only be prepared by the preparer in the recoveredLocatorPreparer entry when they are being recovered.

  Type: LeasePeriodPolicy
new FixedLeasePeriodPolicy(
    3 * 60 * 60 * 1000L,  // max = 3 hours
    60 * 60 * 1000L)      // default = 1 hour
  Description: The policy for calculating lease grants and renewals. The value should not be null. The default grants leases with a maximum duration of 3 hours and a default duration of 1 hour. This entry is obtained at service start and restart.
  Type: LoginContext
  Default: null
  Description: If not null, specifies the JAAS login context to use for performing a JAAS login and supplying the Subject to use when running the service. If null, no JAAS login is performed. This entry is obtained at service start and restart.
  Type: ProxyPreparer
  Default: new BasicProxyPreparer()
  Description: Prepares LookupLocator instances passed to the JoinAdmin methods. The value should not be null. When registering with lookup services, this service may call or use the constraints assigned to the getRegistrar methods of LookupLocator instances returned from this preparer. This entry is obtained at service start and restart.

This preparer needs to perform all operations needed to use a newly received lookup locator, typically including verifying trust in the lookup locator and setting constraints. The prepared lookup locator will be retained by the service in its persistent store.

The LookupLocator instances obtained from the initialLookupLocators configuration entry will not be prepared by this preparer.

  Type: ProxyPreparer
  Default: new BasicProxyPreparer()
  Description: Preparer for TransactionParticipant proxies that have joined transactions from this service via the join method. This preparer is used to prepare proxies only when they initially join with this service. The value should not be null. The preparer must return a listener which is equal to the original listener as determined by Object.equals. This entry is obtained at service start and restart.

This preparer needs to perform all operations needed to use a newly received participant, typically including verifying trust in the participant proxy, granting permissions, and setting constraints. The prepared participant will be retained by the service in its persistent store.

The service (potentially) calls the abort, commit, prepare, and prepareAndCommit, methods.

  Type: String
  Default: Required for persistent implementations: no default
  Description: The directory where the service's persistent state is recorded. The value should not be null. This entry is obtained at service start and restart. This entry is required for persistent implementations and is otherwise not used.
  Type: ProxyPreparer
  Default: new BasicProxyPreparer()
  Description: Prepares LookupLocator instances for use when they are recovered from persistent storage. The value should not be null. When registering with lookup services, this service may call or use the constraints assigned to the getRegistrar methods of LookupLocator instances returned from this preparer. This entry is obtained at service start and restart. This entry is only used by persistent implementations.

This preparer needs to perform only those operations whose results are not retained in the lookup locator itself, but need to be performed in the environment in which the lookup locator is unmarshalled. Typically no operations are needed.

The LookupLocator instances obtained from the initialLookupLocators configuration entry will not be prepared by this preparer until they are being recovered.

  Type: ProxyPreparer
  Default: new BasicProxyPreparer()
  Description: Preparer for recovered TransactionParticipant proxies that have been previously registered and prepared with this service (via the TransactionManager.join method).

This preparer needs to perform only those operations whose results are not retained in the participant itself, but need to be performed in the environment in which the participant is unmarshalled, typically just granting permissions.

The service (potentially) calls the abort, commit, prepare, and prepareAndCommit, methods on these proxies.

  Type: Exporter
// Activatable implementation
new ActivationExporter(
    new BasicJeriExporter(
        new BasicILFactory(), false, true))
// Non-activatable implementations
new BasicJeriExporter(
    new BasicILFactory(),false, true)
  Description: The object to use for exporting the service. The value should not be null. In the activatable case, the call to getEntry will supply the activation ID in the data argument. This entry is obtained at service start and restart.

  Type: TaskManager
  Default: new TaskManager( 150 /* maxThreads */, 15000 /* timeout */, 1.0 /* loadFactor */ )
  Description: The pool of threads used to settle outstanding transactions. Outstanding transactions occur when TimeoutExpiredException is thrown from versions of abort and commit that take a timeout parameter. The terminate method of this object will be called when the service is destroyed. Obtained at service start and restart.
  Type: TaskManager
  Default: new TaskManager( 50 /* maxThreads */, 15000 /* timeout */, 3.0 /* loadFactor */ )
  Description: The pool of threads used to settle transactions. The terminate method of this object will be called when the service is destroyed. Obtained at service start and restart.
Mahalo passes its configuration when creating instances of the following configurable classes, which may support additional configuration entries:

Access Control Permission Targets

The following table lists the remote methods on Mahalo's proxy objects and the associated target names for enforcing access control using MahaloPermission:

Proxy Method Target Name
TransactionManager.create create
TransactionManager.join join
TransactionManager.getState getState
TransactionManager.commit commit
TransactionManager.abort abort
Lease.renew renew
Lease.cancel cancel
LeaseMap.renewAll renewAll
LeaseMap.cancelAll cancelAll
Administrable.getAdmin getAdmin
JoinAdmin.getLookupAttributes getLookupAttributes
JoinAdmin.addLookupAttributes addLookupAttributes
JoinAdmin.modifyLookupAttributes modifyLookupAttributes
JoinAdmin.getLookupGroups getLookupGroups
JoinAdmin.addLookupGroups addLookupGroups
JoinAdmin.removeLookupGroups removeLookupGroups
JoinAdmin.setLookupGroups setLookupGroups
JoinAdmin.getLookupLocators getLookupLocators
JoinAdmin.addLookupLocators addLookupLocators
JoinAdmin.removeLookupLocators removeLookupLocators
JoinAdmin.setLookupLocators setLookupLocators
DestroyAdmin.destroy destroy
ProxyTrust.getProxyVerifier getProxyVerifier
ServiceProxyAccessor.getServiceProxy getServiceProxy

Loggers and Logging Levels

The Mahalo service implementation uses separate Loggers, prefixed by com.sun.jini.mahalo, for each type of information it logs. The following tables describe the type of information logged as well as the levels of information logged.

Level Description
HANDLED for exceptions handled during failed service destruction
FINEST for low level operation tracing during service destruction

Level Description
SEVERE for problems that prevent service startup
CONFIG for configuration access during service initialization
HANDLED for exceptions handled during service initialization
FINEST for low level operation tracing during service initialization

Level Description
FINER for method level tracing during service operation

Level Description
FINEST for low level participant processing tracing (join, commit, abort, etc.)

Level Description
SEVERE for problems that prevent service operation
WARNING for problems making modifications to persistent storage, unexpected internal errors
HANDLED for exceptions handled when persisting service state
FINEST for low level persistence tracing

Level Description
INFO for successful service creation message.

Level Description
WARNING for internal errors managing transactions
HANDLED for indefinite exceptions managing transactions
FINEST for low level transaction operation tracing (creation, commit, abort, etc.)

See the LogManager class for one way to use the HANDLED logging level in standard logging configuration files.

Examples for Running Mahalo

This section provides examples of running Mahalo in various configurations.

Assumptions for Running the Examples

The examples below make the following assumptions:

Throughout the example, items in bold need to be customized for your local environment.

Starting Transient Mahalo using JRMP

To run a transient Mahalo, which does not store any information persistently or use the activation system to restart itself, using JRMP for remote communication, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/start.jar \

This configuration uses the following files.

File config_dir/jsk-all.policy

Use this security policy file for starting and running all Mahalo configurations. This file grants all permissions to local code included in the lib subdirectory of the starter kit installation.

grant codebase "file:install_dir/lib/*" {

File config_dir/start-transient-jrmp-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to start transient Mahalo using JRMP.

import com.sun.jini.start.NonActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static codebase = "http://your_host:http_port/mahalo-dl.jar"
        + " http://your_host:http_port/jsk-dl.jar";
    private static policy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static classpath = "install_dir/lib/mahalo.jar";
    private static config = "config_dir/transient-jrmp-mahalo.config";

    static serviceDescriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            codebase, policy, classpath,
            new String[] { config })

File config_dir/transient-jrmp-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to run transient Mahalo using JRMP.

import net.jini.jrmp.JrmpExporter;

com.sun.jini.mahalo {
    initialLookupGroups = new String[] { "" };
    serverExporter = new JrmpExporter();

Starting Persistent Mahalo using JRMP

To run a persistent Mahalo, which stores information persistently but does not use the activation system to restart itself, using JRMP for remote communication, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/start.jar \

Note: Because JRMP does not provide a convenient way to specify the same object ID each time a given object is exported, this configuration is only useful for debugging -- an existing service proxy cannot be used after the service is restarted.

This configuration uses the following additional files.

File config_dir/start-persistent-jrmp-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to start persistent Mahalo using JRMP.

import com.sun.jini.start.NonActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static codebase = "http://your_host:http_port/mahalo-dl.jar"
        + " http://your_host:http_port/jsk-dl.jar";
    private static policy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static classpath = "install_dir/lib/mahalo.jar";
    private static config = "config_dir/persistent-jrmp-mahalo.config";

    static serviceDescriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            codebase, policy, classpath,
            new String[] { config })

File config_dir/persistent-jrmp-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to run persistent Mahalo using JRMP.

import net.jini.jrmp.JrmpExporter;

com.sun.jini.mahalo {
    initialLookupGroups = new String[] { "" };
    persistenceDirectory = "config_dir/mahalo.log";
    serverExporter = new JrmpExporter();

Starting Activatable Mahalo using JRMP

To run an activatable Mahalo, which stores information persistently and uses the activation system to restart itself, using JRMP for remote communication, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/start.jar \

You should remove the config_dir/group.log directory before running this command. Note that the activation system will restart the activatable Mahalo service as needed until Mahalo is shutdown.

Remember to remove the config_dir/mahalo.log directory before running this command if you want Mahalo to forget registrations and settings made in previous invocations.

This configuration uses the following additional files.

File config_dir/start-activatable-jrmp-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to start activatable Mahalo using JRMP.

import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.SharedActivationGroupDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static mahaloCodebase = "http://your_host:http_port/mahalo-dl.jar"
        + " http://your_host:http_port/jsk-dl.jar";
    private static mahaloPolicy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static mahaloClasspath = "install_dir/lib/mahalo.jar";
    private static mahaloConfig = "config_dir/activatable-jrmp-mahalo.config";

    private static groupPolicy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static groupClasspath = "install_dir/lib/sharedvm.jar";
    private static groupPersistenceDirectory = "config_dir/group.log";

    static serviceDescriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new SharedActivationGroupDescriptor(
            groupPolicy, groupClasspath, groupPersistenceDirectory,
            null /* serverCommand */,
            null /* serverOptions */,
            null /* serverProperties */),
        new SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            mahaloCodebase, mahaloPolicy, mahaloClasspath,
            new String[] { mahaloConfig },
            true /* restart */)

File config_dir/activatable-jrmp-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to run activatable Mahalo using JRMP.

import java.rmi.activation.ActivationID;
import net.jini.jrmp.JrmpExporter;

com.sun.jini.mahalo {
    initialLookupGroups = new String[] { "" };
    persistenceDirectory = "config_dir/mahalo.log";
    serverExporter = new JrmpExporter((ActivationID) $data, 0);

Stopping Activatable Mahalo

To destroy the activation group running an activatable Mahalo, under a JRMP or Jini ERI configuration, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/destroy.jar \

Running this command will remove the config_dir/group.log directory.

Note that this command does not actually destroy the service itself, but just destroys the activation group the service is running in. You may want to first destroy the service using Mahalo's administrable interface, or to remove the config_dir/mahalo.log directory after destroying the activation group.

This command uses the following additional file.

File config_dir/stop-activatable-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to destroy the activation group for an activatable Mahalo.

import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static codebase = "http://your_host:http_port/group-dl.jar";
    private static policy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static classpath = "install_dir/lib/group.jar";
    private static persistenceDirectory = "config_dir/group.log";

    static serviceDestructors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            codebase, policy, classpath,
            null /* config */,
            false /* restart */)

Starting Transient Mahalo using Jini ERI

To run a transient Mahalo, which does not store any information persistently or use the activation system to restart itself, using Jini ERI for remote communication, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/start.jar \

This configuration uses the following additional files.

File config_dir/start-transient-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to start transient Mahalo using Jini ERI.

import com.sun.jini.start.NonActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static codebase = "http://your_host:http_port/mahalo-dl.jar"
        + " http://your_host:http_port/jsk-dl.jar";
    private static policy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static classpath = "install_dir/lib/mahalo.jar";
    private static config = "config_dir/transient-mahalo.config";

    static serviceDescriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            codebase, policy, classpath,
            new String[] { config })

File config_dir/transient-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to run transient Mahalo using Jini ERI.

com.sun.jini.mahalo {
    initialLookupGroups = new String[] { "" };

Starting Persistent Mahalo using Jini ERI

To run a persistent Mahalo, which stores information persistently but does not use the activation system to restart itself, using Jini ERI for remote communication, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/start.jar \

This configuration uses the following additional files.

File config_dir/start-persistent-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to start persistent Mahalo using Jini ERI.

import com.sun.jini.start.NonActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static codebase = "http://your_host:http_port/mahalo-dl.jar"
        + " http://your_host:http_port/jsk-dl.jar";
    private static policy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static classpath = "install_dir/lib/mahalo.jar";
    private static config = "config_dir/persistent-mahalo.config";

    static serviceDescriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new NonActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            codebase, policy, classpath,
            new String[] { config })

File config_dir/persistent-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to run persistent Mahalo using Jini ERI.

import net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory;
import net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter;
import net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint;

com.sun.jini.mahalo {
    initialLookupGroups = new String[] { "" };
    persistenceDirectory = "config_dir/mahalo.log";
    serverExporter = new BasicJeriExporter(
        new BasicILFactory(),

The obj_port is the fixed TCP port to use for listening for requests for this object. The obj_UUID_string is the universally unique ID for the exported object. These IDs have the form "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef".

Remember to remove the config_dir/mahalo.log directory before restarting persistent Mahalo if you want it to forget registrations and settings made in previous invocations.

Starting Activatable Mahalo using Jini ERI

To run an activatable Mahalo, which stores information persistently and uses the activation system to restart itself, using Jini ERI for remote communication, run the following command.

java \
     -jar install_dir/lib/start.jar \

You should remove the config_dir/group.log directory before running this command. Note that the activation system will restart the activatable Mahalo service as needed until Mahalo is shutdown.

Remember to remove the config_dir/mahalo.log directory before running this command if you want Mahalo to forget registrations and settings made in previous invocations.

This configuration uses the following additional files.

File config_dir/start-activatable-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to start activatable Mahalo using Jini ERI.

import com.sun.jini.start.ServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor;
import com.sun.jini.start.SharedActivationGroupDescriptor;

com.sun.jini.start {
    private static mahaloCodebase = "http://your_host:http_port/mahalo-dl.jar"
        + " http://your_host:http_port/jsk-dl.jar";
    private static mahaloPolicy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static mahaloClasspath = "install_dir/lib/mahalo.jar";
    private static mahaloConfig = "config_dir/activatable-mahalo.config";

    private static groupPolicy = "config_dir/jsk-all.policy";
    private static groupClasspath = "install_dir/lib/sharedvm.jar";
    private static groupPersistenceDirectory = "config_dir/group.log";

    static serviceDescriptors = new ServiceDescriptor[] {
        new SharedActivationGroupDescriptor(
            groupPolicy, groupClasspath, groupPersistenceDirectory,
            null /* serverCommand */,
            null /* serverOptions */,
            null /* serverProperties */),
        new SharedActivatableServiceDescriptor(
            mahaloCodebase, mahaloPolicy, mahaloClasspath,
            new String[] { mahaloConfig },
            true /* restart */)

File config_dir/activatable-mahalo.config

Use this configuration source file to run activatable Mahalo using Jini ERI.

com.sun.jini.mahalo {
    initialLookupGroups = new String[] { "" };
    persistenceDirectory = "config_dir/mahalo.log";

See Also:

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.