GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceTemplate
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar
net.jini.core.lookup These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.lookup Standard utility classes for managing the join state of a service and the service discovery duties of a client or service. 
org.openspaces.core.jini A package including jini related services such as JiniServiceFactoryBean allowing to lookup a Jini service and use it within Spring. 

Uses of ServiceTemplate in com.sun.jini.reggie

Constructors in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type ServiceTemplate
Template(ServiceTemplate tmpl)
          Converts a ServiceTemplate to a Template.

Uses of ServiceTemplate in net.jini.core.lookup

Methods in net.jini.core.lookup with parameters of type ServiceTemplate
 Class[] ServiceRegistrar.getEntryClasses(ServiceTemplate tmpl)
          Looks at all service items that match the specified template, finds every entry (among those service items) that either doesn't match any entry templates or is a subclass of at least one matching entry template, and returns the set of the (most specific) classes of those entries.
 Object[] ServiceRegistrar.getFieldValues(ServiceTemplate tmpl, int setIndex, String field)
          Looks at all service items that match the specified template, finds every entry (among those service items) that matches tmpl.attributeSetTemplates[setIndex], and returns the set of values of the specified field of those entries.
 Class[] ServiceRegistrar.getServiceTypes(ServiceTemplate tmpl, String prefix)
          Looks at all service items that match the specified template, and for every service item finds the most specific type (class or interface) or types the service item is an instance of that are neither equal to, nor a superclass of, any of the service types in the template and that have names that start with the specified prefix, and returns the set of all such types.
 Object ServiceRegistrar.lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl)
          Returns the service object (i.e., just ServiceItem.service) from an item matching the template, or null if there is no match.
 ServiceMatches ServiceRegistrar.lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, int maxMatches)
          Returns at most maxMatches items matching the template, plus the total number of items that match the template.
 RegistrarEventRegistration ServiceRegistrar.notify(ServiceTemplate tmpl, int transitions, RemoteEventListener listener, MarshalledObject handback, long leaseDuration)
          Registers for event notification.
 RegistrarEventRegistration ServiceRegistrar.notify(ServiceTemplate tmpl, int transitions, RemoteEventListener listener, MarshalledObject handback, long leaseDuration, int notifyType)
          Same as above, just return the matching templaes with the call

Uses of ServiceTemplate in net.jini.lookup

Methods in net.jini.lookup with parameters of type ServiceTemplate
 LookupCache ServiceDiscoveryManager.createLookupCache(ServiceTemplate tmpl, ServiceItemFilter filter, ServiceDiscoveryListener listener)
          The createLookupCache method allows the client-like entity to request that the ServiceDiscoveryManager create a new managed set (or cache) and populate it with services, which match criteria defined by the entity, and whose references are registered with one or more of the lookup services the entity has targeted for discovery.
 ServiceItem[] ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, int minMatches, int maxMatches, ServiceItemFilter filter, long waitDur)
          Queries each available lookup service in the managed set for service(s) that match the input criteria.
 ServiceItem[] ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, int maxMatches, ServiceItemFilter filter)
          Queries each available lookup service in the managed set for service(s) that match the input criteria.
 ServiceItem ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, ServiceItemFilter filter)
          Queries each available lookup service in the set of lookup services managed by the ServiceDiscoveryManager (the managed set) for a service reference that matches criteria defined by the entity that invokes this method.
 ServiceItem ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, ServiceItemFilter filter, long waitDur)
          Queries each available lookup service in the managed set for a service that matches the input criteria.

Uses of ServiceTemplate in org.openspaces.core.jini

Methods in org.openspaces.core.jini that return ServiceTemplate
 ServiceTemplate JiniServiceFactoryBean.getTemplate()

Methods in org.openspaces.core.jini with parameters of type ServiceTemplate
 void JiniServiceFactoryBean.setTemplate(ServiceTemplate template)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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