GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use TransactionException
com.gigaspaces.client Deprecated: use org.openspaces.core instead. Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. 
com.j_spaces.core Provides Space properties and security context services 
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
net.jini.core.transaction These are the transaction abstraction's interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction.server These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. JavaSpaces(TM) servers provide a place on the network, a space, for clients to store and exchange objects. 
org.openspaces.core Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. 

Uses of TransactionException in com.gigaspaces.client

Methods in com.gigaspaces.client that throw TransactionException
 void IPojoSpace.clear(Object template, Transaction transaction)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 int IPojoSpace.clear(Object template, Transaction transaction, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 int IPojoSpace.count(Object template, Transaction transaction)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 int IPojoSpace.count(Object template, Transaction transaction, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.readIfExists(Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.readIfExists(Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object[] IPojoSpace.readMultiple(Object template, Transaction transaction, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object[] IPojoSpace.readMultiple(Object template, Transaction transaction, int limit, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.take(Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.take(Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.takeIfExists(Object template, Transaction transaction, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object[] IPojoSpace.takeMultiple(Object template, Transaction transaction, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object[] IPojoSpace.takeMultiple(Object template, Transaction txn, int limit, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.update(Object updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object IPojoSpace.update(Object updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object[] IPojoSpace.updateMultiple(Object[] entries, Transaction transaction, long[] leases)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 Object[] IPojoSpace.updateMultiple(Object[] objects, Transaction transaction, long[] leases, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 LeaseContext IPojoSpace.write(Object object, Transaction transaction, long lease)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 LeaseContext IPojoSpace.write(Object object, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 LeaseContext[] IPojoSpace.writeMultiple(Object[] objects, Transaction transaction, long lease)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 LeaseContext[] IPojoSpace.writeMultiple(Object[] objects, Transaction transaction, long[] leases, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.
 LeaseContext[] IPojoSpace.writeMultiple(Object[] objects, Transaction transaction, long lease, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Use GigaSpace instead.

Uses of TransactionException in

Methods in that throw TransactionException
 EventRegistration DataEventSession.addListener(Object template, RemoteEventListener listener)
          Registers a listener with a space using a POJO template.
 EventRegistration DataEventSession.addListener(Object template, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, INotifyDelegatorFilter filter, NotifyActionType actionTypes)
          Registers a listener with a space using a POJO template
 EventRegistration DataEventSession.addListener(Object template, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, NotifyActionType actionTypes)
          Registers a listener with a space using a POJO template

Uses of TransactionException in com.j_spaces.core

Methods in com.j_spaces.core that throw TransactionException
 void IJSpace.clear(Entry template, Transaction txn)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 int IJSpace.clear(Entry template, Transaction txn, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 int IJSpace.count(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 int IJSpace.count(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 EventRegistration IJSpace.notify(Object template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback)
          Deprecated. Since 7.0 - Use EventSessionFactory instead.
 Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.readIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.readMultiple(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.readMultiple(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, int limit, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.takeMultiple(Entry template, Transaction txn, int limit)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry[] IJSpace.takeMultiple(Entry template, Transaction txn, int maxEntries, int modifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.update(Entry updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Entry IJSpace.update(Entry updatedEntry, Transaction transaction, long lease, long timeout, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Object[] IJSpace.updateMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction transaction, long[] leases)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Object[] IJSpace.updateMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction transaction, long[] leases, int updateModifiers)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.
 Lease[] IJSpace.writeMultiple(Entry[] entries, Transaction txn, long lease)
          Deprecated. Since 8.0 - Entry support has been deprecated, use GigaSpace with POJOs instead.

Uses of TransactionException in com.j_spaces.core.client

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that throw TransactionException NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.notify(Entry template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated. Registers a notification with this space for the specified template. NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer.notify(Object template, Transaction txn, long lease, info)

Constructors in com.j_spaces.core.client that throw TransactionException
NotifyDelegator(IJSpace space, Object template, Transaction txn, long lease, info)
          Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive ordered notifications.
NotifyDelegator(IJSpace space, Object template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated. Creates a new delegator that can receive ordered notifications.
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space, Entry template, Transaction txn, long lease, info)
NotifyDelegatorMultiplexer(IJSpace space, Entry template, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback, boolean fifoEnabled, int notifyMask)
          Deprecated.  Creates a new delegator that can receive notifications.

Uses of TransactionException in net.jini.core.transaction

Subclasses of TransactionException in net.jini.core.transaction
 class CannotAbortException
          Exception thrown when a transaction cannot abort because it has already already decided to commit.
 class CannotCommitException
          Exception thrown when a transaction cannot commit because it has already aborted or must now be aborted.
 class CannotJoinException
          Exception thrown when a transaction cannot be joined because it is no longer active.
 class CannotNestException
          Exception thrown when an object does not support nested transactions.
 class TimeoutExpiredException
          Exception thrown when a transaction timeout has expired.
 class UnknownTransactionException
          Exception thrown when a transaction is not recognized as a valid or known transaction.

Uses of TransactionException in net.jini.core.transaction.server

Subclasses of TransactionException in net.jini.core.transaction.server
 class CrashCountException
          Exception thrown when a transaction cannot be joined because the participant's current crash count is different from the crash count the manager received in a previous join by that participant.

Uses of TransactionException in

Methods in that throw TransactionException
 MatchSet JavaSpace05.contents(Collection tmpls, Transaction txn, long leaseDuration, long maxEntries)
          Creates a match set that can be used to exhaustively read through all of the matching entries in the space that are visible to the passed Transaction and remain visible for the lifetime of the match set.
 EventRegistration JavaSpace.notify(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, RemoteEventListener listener, long lease, MarshalledObject handback)
          When entries are written that match this template notify the given listener with a RemoteEvent that includes the handback object.
 Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Read any matching entry from the space, blocking until one exists.
 Entry JavaSpace.readIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Read any matching entry from the space, returning null if there is currently is none.
 EventRegistration JavaSpace05.registerForAvailabilityEvent(Collection tmpls, Transaction txn, boolean visibilityOnly, RemoteEventListener listener, long leaseDuration, MarshalledObject handback)
          Register for events triggered when a matching Entry transitions from unavailable to available.
 Collection JavaSpace05.take(Collection tmpls, Transaction txn, long timeout, long maxEntries)
          This method provides an overload of the JavaSpace.take method that attempts to remove, optionally under a Transaction, and return one or more entries from the space.
 Entry JavaSpace.take(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Take a matching entry from the space, waiting until one exists.
 Entry JavaSpace.takeIfExists(Entry tmpl, Transaction txn, long timeout)
          Take a matching entry from the space, returning null if there is currently is none.
 Lease JavaSpace.write(Entry entry, Transaction txn, long lease)
          Write a new entry into the space.
 List JavaSpace05.write(List entries, Transaction txn, List leaseDurations)
          This method provides an overload of the JavaSpace.write method that allows new copies of multiple Entry instances to be stored in the space using a single call.

Uses of TransactionException in org.openspaces.core

Constructors in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type TransactionException
InactiveTransactionException(TransactionException e)
InvalidTransactionUsageException(TransactionException e)
TransactionDataAccessException(TransactionException e)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.