GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use UnknownTransactionException
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
net.jini.core.transaction These are the transaction abstraction's interfaces and classes. 
net.jini.core.transaction.server These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. 

Uses of UnknownTransactionException in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo that throw UnknownTransactionException
 void TxnManagerImpl.abort_impl(Object id, long waitFor)
 void TxnManagerImpl.abort(long id)
 void TxnMgrProxy.abort(long id)
 void TxnManagerImpl.abort(long id, long waitFor)
 void TxnMgrProxy.abort(long id, long waitFor)
 void TxnManagerImpl.abort(Object xid)
 void TxnMgrProxy.abort(Object xid)
 void TxnManagerImpl.abort(Object xid, long waitFor)
 void TxnMgrProxy.abort(Object xid, long waitFor)
 void TxnManagerImpl.commit(long id)
 void TxnMgrProxy.commit(long id)
 void TxnManagerImpl.commit(long id, long waitFor)
 void TxnMgrProxy.commit(long id, long waitFor)
 void TxnManagerImpl.commit(Object xid)
 void TxnMgrProxy.commit(Object xid)
 void TxnManagerImpl.commit(Object xid, long waitFor)
 void TxnMgrProxy.commit(Object xid, long waitFor)
 boolean TxnManagerImpl.disJoin(long id, TransactionParticipant part)
 boolean TxnMgrProxy.disJoin(long id, TransactionParticipant part)
 boolean TxnManagerImpl.disJoin(Object id, TransactionParticipant part)
 int TxnManagerImpl.getState(long id)
 int TxnMgrProxy.getState(long id)
 int TxnManagerImpl.getState(Object id)
 int TxnMgrProxy.getState(Object xid)
 Transaction TxnManager.getTransaction(long id)
          Retrieves a Transaction given the transaction's ID.
 Transaction TxnManagerImpl.getTransaction(long id)
          Method from TxnManager which produces a Transaction from its ID.
 void TxnManagerImpl.join(long id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
 void TxnMgrProxy.join(long id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
 void TxnManagerImpl.join(long id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount, ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
 void TxnMgrProxy.join(long id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount, ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
 void TxnManagerImpl.join(Object xid, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
 void TxnMgrProxy.join(Object id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
 void TxnManagerImpl.join(Object xid, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount, ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
 void TxnMgrProxy.join(Object id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount, ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
 int TxnManagerImpl.prepare(Object xid)
          prepare the underlying xtn designated by the rendered xid
 int TxnMgrProxy.prepare(Object xid)

Uses of UnknownTransactionException in net.jini.core.transaction

Methods in net.jini.core.transaction that throw UnknownTransactionException
 void Transaction.abort()
          Abort the transaction.
 void Transaction.abort(long waitFor)
          Abort the transaction, waiting for participants to be notified of the decision.
 void Transaction.commit()
          Commit the transaction.
 void Transaction.commit(long waitFor)
          Commit the transaction, waiting for participants to be notified of the decision.
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableTransaction.create(long leaseTime)
          Create a new nested transaction, with the current transaction as parent, managed by the same transaction manager as the current transaction.
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableTransaction.create(NestableTransactionManager mgr, long leaseTime)
          Create a new nested transaction, with the current transaction as parent, managed by the given transaction manager.

Uses of UnknownTransactionException in net.jini.core.transaction.server

Methods in net.jini.core.transaction.server that throw UnknownTransactionException
 void ServerTransaction.abort()
 void ServerTransaction.abort(long waitFor)
 void TransactionManager.abort(long id)
          Abort the transaction.
 void TransactionManager.abort(long id, long waitFor)
          Abort the transaction, waiting for participants to be notified of the decision.
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.abort(Object xid)
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.abort(Object xid, long waitFor)
 void TransactionParticipant.abort(TransactionManager mgr, long id)
          Requests that the participant roll back any changes for the specified transaction and unlock any resources locked by the transaction.
 void ServerTransaction.commit()
 void ServerTransaction.commit(long waitFor)
 void TransactionManager.commit(long id)
          Commit the transaction.
 void TransactionManager.commit(long id, long waitFor)
          Commit the transaction, waiting for participants to be notified of the decision.
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.commit(Object xid)
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.commit(Object xid, long waitFor)
 void TransactionParticipant.commit(TransactionManager mgr, long id)
          Requests that the participant make all of its PREPARED changes for the specified transaction visible outside of the transaction and unlock any resources locked by the transaction.
 void TransactionParticipant.commit(TransactionManager mgr, long id, int numOfParticipants)
          Requests that the participant make all of its PREPARED changes for the specified transaction visible outside of the transaction and unlock any resources locked by the transaction.
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableServerTransaction.create(long leaseTime)
 NestableTransaction.Created NestableServerTransaction.create(NestableTransactionManager mgr, long leaseTime)
 TransactionManager.Created NestableTransactionManager.create(NestableTransactionManager parentMgr, long parentID, long lease)
          Begin a nested transaction, with the specified transaction as parent.
 boolean ExtendedTransactionManager.disJoin(long id, TransactionParticipant preparedPart)
          Remove a participant that was joined for a first time. called when a call to a participant returned empty so we can spare calling commit or abort on it, usually used in embedded mahalo
 int ServerTransaction.getState()
          Returns the current state of the transaction.
 int TransactionManager.getState(long id)
          Returns the current state of the given transaction.
 int ExtendedTransactionManager.getState(Object id)
 void TransactionManager.join(long id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
          Join a transaction that is managed by this transaction manager.
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.join(long id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount, ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.join(Object id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
 void ExtendedTransactionManager.join(Object id, TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount, ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
 void ServerTransaction.join(TransactionParticipant part, long crashCount)
          Join the transaction.
 int ExtendedTransactionManager.prepare(Object xid)
          prepare the underlying xtn designated by the rendered xid
 int TransactionParticipant.prepare(TransactionManager mgr, long id)
          Requests that the participant prepare itself to commit the transaction, and to vote on the outcome of the transaction.
 int TransactionParticipant.prepareAndCommit(TransactionManager mgr, long id)
          A combination of prepare and commit, which can be used by the manager when there is just one participant left to prepare and all other participants (if any) have responded with NOTCHANGED.
 void NestableTransactionManager.promote(long id, TransactionParticipant[] parts, long[] crashCounts, TransactionParticipant drop)
          Promote the listed participants into the specified transaction.
 void NestableServerTransaction.promote(TransactionParticipant[] parts, long[] crashCounts, TransactionParticipant drop)
          Promote the listed participants (from a subtransaction) into this (the parent) transaction.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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