GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API | |||||||||
Packages that use TransactionParticipant | |
com.sun.jini.mahalo | Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. |
net.jini.core.transaction.server | These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. |
Uses of TransactionParticipant in com.sun.jini.mahalo |
Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo with parameters of type TransactionParticipant | |
boolean |
TxnManagerImpl.disJoin(long id,
TransactionParticipant part)
boolean |
TxnMgrProxy.disJoin(long id,
TransactionParticipant part)
boolean |
TxnManagerImpl.disJoin(Object id,
TransactionParticipant part)
void |
TxnManagerImpl.join(long id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
void |
TxnMgrProxy.join(long id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
void |
TxnManagerImpl.join(long id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount,
ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
void |
TxnMgrProxy.join(long id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount,
ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
void |
TxnManagerImpl.join(Object xid,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
void |
TxnMgrProxy.join(Object id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
void |
TxnManagerImpl.join(Object xid,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount,
ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
void |
TxnMgrProxy.join(Object id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount,
ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
Method parameters in com.sun.jini.mahalo with type arguments of type TransactionParticipant | |
void |
TxnManager.reenterPreparedExternalXid(Object xid,
List<TransactionParticipant> parts)
given a prepared xid (retrieved from participants) reenlist it and its participants- used in XA |
void |
TxnManagerImpl.reenterPreparedExternalXid(Object xid,
List<TransactionParticipant> parts)
void |
TxnMgrProxy.reenterPreparedExternalXid(Object xid,
List<TransactionParticipant> parts)
Retrieves a Transaction given the
transaction's ID. |
Uses of TransactionParticipant in net.jini.core.transaction.server |
Methods in net.jini.core.transaction.server with parameters of type TransactionParticipant | |
boolean |
ExtendedTransactionManager.disJoin(long id,
TransactionParticipant preparedPart)
Remove a participant that was joined for a first time. called when a call to a participant returned empty so we can spare calling commit or abort on it, usually used in embedded mahalo |
void |
TransactionManager.join(long id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
Join a transaction that is managed by this transaction manager. |
void |
ExtendedTransactionManager.join(long id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount,
ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
void |
ExtendedTransactionManager.join(Object id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
void |
ExtendedTransactionManager.join(Object id,
TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount,
ServerTransaction userXtnObject)
void |
ServerTransaction.join(TransactionParticipant part,
long crashCount)
Join the transaction. |
void |
NestableTransactionManager.promote(long id,
TransactionParticipant[] parts,
long[] crashCounts,
TransactionParticipant drop)
Promote the listed participants into the specified transaction. |
void |
NestableTransactionManager.promote(long id,
TransactionParticipant[] parts,
long[] crashCounts,
TransactionParticipant drop)
Promote the listed participants into the specified transaction. |
void |
NestableServerTransaction.promote(TransactionParticipant[] parts,
long[] crashCounts,
TransactionParticipant drop)
Promote the listed participants (from a subtransaction) into this (the parent) transaction. |
void |
NestableServerTransaction.promote(TransactionParticipant[] parts,
long[] crashCounts,
TransactionParticipant drop)
Promote the listed participants (from a subtransaction) into this (the parent) transaction. |
GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API | |||||||||