GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LeaseListener Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. Standard service and utility classes for managing leases. 
org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager Jini and Local transaction managers using Spring abstraction for transaction managers (PlatformTransactionManager). A notify event container allowing to use GigaSpace support for notifications. 

Uses of LeaseListener in

Methods in that return LeaseListener
 LeaseListener EventSessionConfig.getLeaseListener()

Methods in with parameters of type LeaseListener
 void EventSessionConfig.setAutoRenew(boolean renew, LeaseListener listener)
          enable the auto renew of the notify.
 void EventSessionConfig.setAutoRenew(boolean renew, LeaseListener listener, long renewExpiration, long renewDuration, long renewRTT)
          with this method the user can configure the renew time duration for the auto renew.

Uses of LeaseListener in

Subinterfaces of LeaseListener in
 interface DesiredExpirationListener
          Subinterface of LeaseListener that clients must implement if they want to receive desired expiration reached events in addition to renewal failure events.

Methods in with parameters of type LeaseListener
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewFor(Lease lease, long desiredDuration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set for a specified duration.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewFor(Lease lease, long desiredDuration, long renewDuration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set for a specified duration and with specified renewal duration.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewUntil(Lease lease, long desiredExpiration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set until a specified time.
 void LeaseRenewalManager.renewUntil(Lease lease, long desiredExpiration, long renewDuration, LeaseListener listener)
          Include a lease in the managed set until a specified time and with a specified renewal duration.

Constructors in with parameters of type LeaseListener
LeaseRenewalManager(Lease lease, long desiredExpiration, LeaseListener listener)
          Constructs an instance of this class that will initially manage a single lease.

Uses of LeaseListener in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager

Methods in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager that return LeaseListener
 LeaseListener TransactionLeaseRenewalConfig.getLeaseListener()
          Sets an optional renew listener to be notified on renew events.

Methods in org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager with parameters of type LeaseListener
 void TransactionLeaseRenewalConfig.setLeaseListener(LeaseListener leaseListener)
          Sets an optional renew listener to be notified on renew events.

Uses of LeaseListener in

Methods in with parameters of type LeaseListener
 SimpleNotifyContainerConfigurer SimpleNotifyContainerConfigurer.leaseListener(LeaseListener leaseListener)
 void AbstractNotifyEventListenerContainer.setLeaseListener(LeaseListener leaseListener)
          If AbstractNotifyEventListenerContainer.setAutoRenew(boolean) is set to true sets the lease listener for it.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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