GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class Address

  extended by net.jini.entry.AbstractEntry
      extended by net.jini.lookup.entry.Address
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Entry

public class Address
extends AbstractEntry

The address of the physical component of a service. This is distinct from the Location class in that it is intended for use with the Location class in geographically dispersed organizations.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
See Also:
Location, AddressBean, Serialized Form

Field Summary
 String country
          Country name.
 String locality
          City or locality name.
 String organization
          Name of the company or organization that provides this service.
 String organizationalUnit
          The unit within the organization that provides this service.
 String postalCode
          Postal code.
 String stateOrProvince
          Full name or standard postal abbreviation of a state or province.
 String street
          Street address.
Constructor Summary
          Construct an empty instance of this class.
Address(String street, String organization, String organizationalUnit, String locality, String stateOrProvince, String postalCode, String country)
          Construct an instance of this class, with all fields initialized appropriately.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class net.jini.entry.AbstractEntry
equals, equals, hashCode, hashCode, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public String street
Street address. For example, "901 San Antonio Road".


public String organization
Name of the company or organization that provides this service. For example, "Sun Microsystems".


public String organizationalUnit
The unit within the organization that provides this service. For example, "Information Services".


public String locality
City or locality name. For example, "Palo Alto".


public String stateOrProvince
Full name or standard postal abbreviation of a state or province. For example, "CA" (for California).


public String postalCode
Postal code. For example, in the United States, this is a ZIP code; in Ireland, it might be either empty or a postal district of Dublin.


public String country
Country name.

Constructor Detail


public Address()
Construct an empty instance of this class.


public Address(String street,
               String organization,
               String organizationalUnit,
               String locality,
               String stateOrProvince,
               String postalCode,
               String country)
Construct an instance of this class, with all fields initialized appropriately.

street - a String representing the street address
organization - a String representing the organization
organizationalUnit - a String representing the organizational unit
locality - a String representing the locality
stateOrProvince - a String representing the state or province
postalCode - a String representing the postal code
country - a String representing the country

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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