GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface BeanConfig

All Known Subinterfaces:
AlertConfiguration, ElasticMachineProvisioningConfig, ScaleStrategyConfig
All Known Implementing Classes:
CpuUtilizationAlertConfiguration, DiscoveredMachineProvisioningConfig, EagerScaleConfig, ElasticGridServiceAgentProvisioningAlertConfiguration, ElasticGridServiceContainerProvisioningAlertConfiguration, ElasticMachineProvisioningAlertConfiguration, GarbageCollectionAlertConfiguration, HeapMemoryUtilizationAlertConfiguration, ManualCapacityScaleConfig, MirrorPersistenceFailureAlertConfiguration, PhysicalMemoryUtilizationAlertConfiguration, ProcessingUnitInstanceMemberAliveIndicatorAlertConfiguration, ProvisionFailureAlertConfiguration, ReplicationChannelDisconnectedAlertConfiguration, ReplicationRedoLogOverflowToDiskAlertConfiguration, ReplicationRedoLogSizeAlertConfiguration

public interface BeanConfig

A weakly typed configuration API based on String key-value pairs to configure an admin Bean. Implementors of this interface can provide more strongly typed API to enforce type-safety and argument verifications.

The BeanConfig is a client side configuration. The String key-value pairs returned by the getProperties() method, are sent to the server to be injected into the admin Bean matching the bean class-name.

By default, the configuration is empty - has no properties set. The recommended setting for the configuration properties should be derived from the javadoc.

Moran Avigdor, Itai Frenkel
See Also:

Method Summary
 String getBeanClassName()
          The Bean implementation class name corresponding to this BeanConfig.
 Map<String,String> getProperties()
          Get the String key-value pairs properties used to configure this bean.
 void setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
          Set with String key-value pairs to configure properties belonging to this bean.

Method Detail


String getBeanClassName()
The Bean implementation class name corresponding to this BeanConfig.

the name of the admin Bean implementation class.


void setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
Set with String key-value pairs to configure properties belonging to this bean. Overrides all previously set properties.

properties - the properties to configure this bean object.


Map<String,String> getProperties()
Get the String key-value pairs properties used to configure this bean.

the properties used to configure this bean object.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.