GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface Bean

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractScaleStrategyBean, DiscoveredMachineProvisioningBean, EagerScaleStrategyBean, ElasticConfigBean, ManualCapacityScaleStrategyBean, UndeployScaleStrategyBean

public interface Bean

A simple bean construct with resemblance to a Spring bean (interfaces InitializingBean, DisposableBean).

The administrative Bean is configured by either a strongly typed API (see BeanConfig), or by a weakly typed String key-value pair property API (see BeanConfigPropertiesManager). These properties are supplied upon the bean's construction (see setProperties(Map)).

A request to set a bean's configuration (see BeanConfigManager.setBeanConfig(BeanConfig) ), will store the configuration properties at the server until the bean is enabled (or removed).

A request to enable a bean (see BeanConfigManager.enableBean(Class)), will be accepted by the bean factory - which initializes the bean, sets the properties and invokes a call to afterPropertiesSet().

A request to disable a bean (see BeanConfigManager.disableBean(Class)), will destroy the bean (destroy()). The configuration properties will remain at the server until the bean is completely removed (see BeanConfigManager.removeBeanConfig(Class)).

A request to set a bean with different properties (see BeanConfigManager.setBeanConfig(BeanConfig)), will destroy the bean if it is already enabled, and re-enable it with the new configuration properties. If the bean wasn't enabled, the properties are stored at the server until the bean is enabled (or removed).

Moran Avigdor, Itai Frenkel

Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Invoked by a bean factory after it has set all bean properties.
 void destroy()
          Invoked by a bean factory on destruction of a singleton.
 Map<String,String> getProperties()
 void setAdmin(Admin admin)
          Set the Admin instance to be used by this Bean.
 void setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
          The bean properties supplied using a client side bean configuration object, or by plain String key-value pairs.

Method Detail


void setAdmin(Admin admin)
Set the Admin instance to be used by this Bean.

admin - an Admin instance.


void setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
The bean properties supplied using a client side bean configuration object, or by plain String key-value pairs.

properties - properties to configure this bean.


Map<String,String> getProperties()
properties used to configure this bean.


void afterPropertiesSet()
                        throws Exception
Invoked by a bean factory after it has set all bean properties. This method allows the bean instance to perform non-blocking initialization, which is only possible when all bean properties have been set and to throw an exception in the event of misconfiguration.

Exception - in the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential property) or if initialization fails.
See Also:
BeanConfigurationException, BeanInitializationException


void destroy()
             throws Exception
Invoked by a bean factory on destruction of a singleton.

Exception - in case of shutdown errors. Exceptions will get logged but not re-thrown to allow other beans to release their resources too.
See Also:

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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