GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AdminEventListener
org.openspaces.admin Entry point for Admin API, allowing to use AdminFactory in order to create an Admin instance. Support for managing of Grid Service Agent events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Grid Service Container events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Elastic Service Manager events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Lookup Service events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Machine events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Operating System events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Processing Unit events through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.admin.samples Support for managing of Space events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Transport events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Virtual Machine events through the Admin API. Support for managing of Zone events through the Admin API. 

Uses of AdminEventListener in org.openspaces.admin

Methods in org.openspaces.admin with parameters of type AdminEventListener
 void Admin.addEventListener(AdminEventListener eventListener)
          Smart addition of event listeners.
 void Admin.removeEventListener(AdminEventListener eventListener)
          Smart removal of event listeners.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface ApplicationLifecycleEventListener
          A simple life-cycle event listener that implements both the application added and zone removed event listeners.
 interface ApplicationRemovedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to listen for Application removal (undeployment).

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface ElasticServiceManagerAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a elastic service manager is added.
 interface ElasticServiceManagerLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the container added and manager removed event listeners.
 interface ElasticServiceManagerRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when an elastic service manager is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface GridServiceAgentAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a grid service is added.
 interface GridServiceAgentLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the agent added and agent removed event listeners.
 interface GridServiceAgentRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a grid service is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface GridServiceContainerAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a grid service container is added.
 interface GridServiceContainerLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the container added and container removed event listeners.
 interface GridServiceContainerRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a grid service container is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface GridServiceManagerAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a grid service manager is added.
 interface GridServiceManagerLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the container added and manager removed event listeners.
 interface GridServiceManagerRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a grid service manager is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface LookupServiceAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a lookup service is added.
 interface LookupServiceLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the lookup service added and lookup service removed event listeners.
 interface LookupServiceRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a lookup service is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface MachineAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a machine is added.
 interface MachineLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the machine added and machine removed event listeners.
 interface MachineRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a machine is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface OperatingSystemsStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.
 interface OperatingSystemStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface BackupGridServiceManagerChangedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to register for BackupGridServiceManagerChangedEvents.
 interface ManagingGridServiceManagerChangedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to register for ManagingGridServiceManagerChangedEvents.
 interface ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to listen for ProcessingUnitInstance additions.
 interface ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener
          A simple combination of a ProcessingUnitInstance lifecycle events.
 interface ProcessingUnitInstanceMemberAliveIndicatorStatusChangedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to listen for ProcessingUnitInstanceMemberAliveIndicatorStatusChangedEvents.
 interface ProcessingUnitInstanceProvisionStatusChangedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to listen for ProcessingUnitInstanceProvisionStatusChangedEvents.
 interface ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to listen for ProcessingUnitInstance removals.
 interface ProcessingUnitInstanceStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.
 interface ProcessingUnitLifecycleEventListener
          An event listener supporting combining several listeners into one simple listener.
 interface ProcessingUnitRemovedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to listen for ProcessingUnit removal (undeployment).
 interface ProcessingUnitSpaceCorrelatedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to register for ProcessingUnitSpaceCorrelatedEvents.
 interface ProcessingUnitStatusChangedEventListener
          An event listener allowing to register for ProcessingUnitStatusChangedEvents.

Uses of AdminEventListener in org.openspaces.admin.samples

Classes in org.openspaces.admin.samples that implement AdminEventListener
 class TestEventSampler

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.
 interface SpaceStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface TransportsStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.
 interface TransportStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface VirtualMachineAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a virtual machine is added.
 interface VirtualMachineLifecycleEventListener
          A simple lifecyle event listener that implements both the virtual machine added and virtual machine removed event listeners.
 interface VirtualMachineRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a virtual machine is removed.
 interface VirtualMachinesStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.
 interface VirtualMachineStatisticsChangedEventListener
          An event listener called when statistics have changed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in

Subinterfaces of AdminEventListener in
 interface ZoneAddedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a zone is added.
 interface ZoneLifecycleEventListener
          A simple life-cycle event listener that implements both the zone added and zone removed event listeners.
 interface ZoneRemovedEventListener
          An event listener to be notified when a zone is removed.

Uses of AdminEventListener in org.openspaces.core.gateway

Classes in org.openspaces.core.gateway that implement AdminEventListener
 class AbstractGatewayComponentFactoryBean
          Base class for replication gateway components.
 class GatewayDelegatorFactoryBean
          A gateway delegator factory bean for creating a ReplicationConnectionDelegatorContainer.
 class GatewaySinkFactoryBean
          A sink factory bean for creating a LocalClusterReplicationSink which represents a gateway sink component.

Uses of AdminEventListener in org.openspaces.grid.esm

Classes in org.openspaces.grid.esm that implement AdminEventListener
 class ESMImpl

Uses of AdminEventListener in org.openspaces.grid.gsm.strategy

Classes in org.openspaces.grid.gsm.strategy that implement AdminEventListener
 class ElasticMachineProvisioningDiscoveredMachinesCache

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.