GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface ProcessingUnitInstance

All Superinterfaces:
AdminAware, DiscoverableComponent, GridComponent, Iterable<ServiceDetails>, MachineAware, OperatingSystemAware, StatisticsMonitor, TransportAware, VirtualMachineAware, ZoneAware

public interface ProcessingUnitInstance
extends GridComponent, Iterable<ServiceDetails>, StatisticsMonitor

A processing unit instance is an actual running instance of a processing unit. For example, when deploying a processing unit with 4 instance, there will be eventually 4 instances of the processing unit.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.StatisticsMonitor
Method Summary
 void decrement()
          Decrements the instance (and destroying it in the process).
 void destroy()
          Destroy the instance.
 Map<String,AsyncPollingEventContainerServiceDetails> getAsyncPollingEventContainerDetails()
          Returns a map of AsyncPollingEventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().
 int getBackupId()
          Returns the backup id of the processing unit instance.
 ClusterInfo getClusterInfo()
          Returns the cluster info of the processing unit instance.
 SpaceServiceDetails getEmbeddedSpaceDetails()
          Returns the embedded space service details as described by the service started within the processing unit.
 SpaceServiceDetails[] getEmbeddedSpacesDetails()
          Returns the embedded space service details as described by the service started within the processing unit.
 Map<String,EventContainerServiceDetails> getEventContainerDetails()
          Returns a map of EventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().
 GridServiceContainer getGridServiceContainer()
          Returns the GridServiceContainer the processing unit is running on.
 int getInstanceId()
          Returns the instance id of the processing unit instance.
 JeeServiceDetails getJeeDetails()
          Returns the jee service details of the jee container that was started within this processing unit.
 MemberAliveIndicatorStatus getMemberAliveIndicatorStatus()
 MemcachedServiceDetails getMemcachedDetails()
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the processing unit.
 Map<String,NotifyEventContainerServiceDetails> getNotifyEventContainerDetails()
          Returns a map of NotifyEventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().
 ProcessingUnitPartition getPartition()
          Returns the processing unit partition this processing unit instance is part of.
 Map<String,PollingEventContainerServiceDetails> getPollingEventContainerDetails()
          Returns a map of PollingEventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().
 ProcessingUnit getProcessingUnit()
          Returns the processing unit this processing unit instance belongs to.
 String getProcessingUnitInstanceName()
          Get this processing unit instance String representation.
 BeanLevelProperties getProperties()
          Return the properties the processing unit was deployed with.
 RemotingServiceDetails getRemotingDetails()
          Returns the remoting service details (the exporter) if configured within the processing unit.
 Map<String,ServiceDetails> getServiceDetailsByServiceId()
          Returns a map of service details by service id.
 ServiceDetails getServiceDetailsByServiceId(String serviceId)
          Returns the service details for a specific service id.
 Map<String,ServiceDetails[]> getServiceDetailsByServiceType()
          Returns a map of service details by service type.
 ServiceDetails[] getServicesDetailsByServiceType(String serviceType)
          Returns the service details by a service type ServiceDetails.getServiceType().
 SpaceServiceDetails[] getSpaceDetails()
          Returns the space service details as described by the service started within the processing unit.
 SpaceInstance getSpaceInstance()
          Returns a space instance that was started within the processing unit instance.
 SpaceInstance[] getSpaceInstances()
          Returns all the space instances that were started within the processing unit instance.
 ProcessingUnitInstanceStatistics getStatistics()
          Returns the processing unit instance statistics.
 boolean isEmbeddedSpaces()
          Returns true if there are embedded spaces started within this processing unit.
 boolean isJee()
          Returns true if this processing unit is a jee processing unit.
 void relocate()
          Relocates the instance to any suitable GridServiceContainer.
 void relocate(GridServiceContainer gridServiceContainerToRelocateTo)
          Relocates the instance to the provided GridServiceContainer.
 ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait()
          Relocates the any suitable GridServiceContainer.
 ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait(GridServiceContainer gridServiceContainerToRelocateTo)
          Relocates the instance to the provided GridServiceContainer.
 ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait(GridServiceContainer gridServiceContainerToRelocateTo, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Relocates the instance to the provided GridServiceContainer.
 ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Relocates the any suitable GridServiceContainer.
 void restart()
          Restarts the processing unit instance.
 ProcessingUnitInstance restartAndWait()
          Restarts the processing unit instance and waits indefinitely for the restarted processing unit instance returning it.
 ProcessingUnitInstance restartAndWait(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Restarts the processing unit instance and waits for the restarted processing unit instance returning it for the provided timeout.
 SpaceInstance waitForSpaceInstance()
 SpaceInstance waitForSpaceInstance(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.GridComponent
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.DiscoverableComponent
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.AdminAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.machine.MachineAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.transport.TransportAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.os.OperatingSystemAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.vm.VirtualMachineAware
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.StatisticsMonitor
isMonitoring, setStatisticsHistorySize, setStatisticsInterval, startStatisticsMonitor, stopStatisticsMonitor

Method Detail


String getProcessingUnitInstanceName()
Get this processing unit instance String representation.
If this processing unit instance represents a Space instance, this method will return a similar result to SpaceInstance.getSpaceInstanceName(), but with the processing unit name as the Space name. Otherwise, it will return: {Processing unit name} [instance id] - the name of this processing unit (see getName()) and the instance id (see getInstanceId()); for example, MyPU [3]

this processing unit instance String representation.


void destroy()
Destroy the instance. If breaches the SLA, will instantiate the instance again.


void decrement()
Decrements the instance (and destroying it in the process). Will not attempt to create it again.

See Also:


void relocate(GridServiceContainer gridServiceContainerToRelocateTo)
Relocates the instance to the provided GridServiceContainer.

Note, the current processing instance is unusable once this call has been made. If the relocated processing unit instance is needed, or waiting for the relocation is required, use relocateAndWait(org.openspaces.admin.gsc.GridServiceContainer) or relocateAndWait(org.openspaces.admin.gsc.GridServiceContainer, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).


ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait(GridServiceContainer gridServiceContainerToRelocateTo)
Relocates the instance to the provided GridServiceContainer. The relocated instance will be returned waiting for it indefinitely.


ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait(GridServiceContainer gridServiceContainerToRelocateTo,
                                       long timeout,
                                       TimeUnit timeUnit)
Relocates the instance to the provided GridServiceContainer. The relocated instance will be returned waiting for it for the provided timeout.


void relocate()
Relocates the instance to any suitable GridServiceContainer.

Note, the current processing instance is unusable once this call has been made. If the relocated processing unit instance is needed, or waiting for the relocation is required, use relocateAndWait() or relocateAndWait(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) .


ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait()
Relocates the any suitable GridServiceContainer. The relocated instance will be returned waiting for it indefinitely.


ProcessingUnitInstance relocateAndWait(long timeout,
                                       TimeUnit timeUnit)
Relocates the any suitable GridServiceContainer. The relocated instance will be returned waiting for it for the provided timeout.


void restart()
Restarts the processing unit instance. Note, if this instance is running an embedded space instance, and the space instance is primary and there is a backup around as well, this method is handy to "turn" the backup to primary.

Note, the current processing unit instance is unusable once this call has been made. If the restarted processing unit instance is needed, or waiting for the restart is required, use restartAndWait() or restartAndWait(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).


ProcessingUnitInstance restartAndWait()
Restarts the processing unit instance and waits indefinitely for the restarted processing unit instance returning it.

See Also:


ProcessingUnitInstance restartAndWait(long timeout,
                                      TimeUnit timeUnit)
Restarts the processing unit instance and waits for the restarted processing unit instance returning it for the provided timeout.

See Also:


int getInstanceId()
Returns the instance id of the processing unit instance.


int getBackupId()
Returns the backup id of the processing unit instance.


ProcessingUnit getProcessingUnit()
Returns the processing unit this processing unit instance belongs to.


String getName()
Returns the name of the processing unit.


ClusterInfo getClusterInfo()
Returns the cluster info of the processing unit instance.


BeanLevelProperties getProperties()
Return the properties the processing unit was deployed with.


GridServiceContainer getGridServiceContainer()
Returns the GridServiceContainer the processing unit is running on.


ProcessingUnitPartition getPartition()
Returns the processing unit partition this processing unit instance is part of.


ServiceDetails getServiceDetailsByServiceId(String serviceId)
Returns the service details for a specific service id.


Map<String,ServiceDetails> getServiceDetailsByServiceId()
Returns a map of service details by service id.


ServiceDetails[] getServicesDetailsByServiceType(String serviceType)
Returns the service details by a service type ServiceDetails.getServiceType().


Map<String,ServiceDetails[]> getServiceDetailsByServiceType()
Returns a map of service details by service type.


Map<String,EventContainerServiceDetails> getEventContainerDetails()
Returns a map of EventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().


Map<String,PollingEventContainerServiceDetails> getPollingEventContainerDetails()
Returns a map of PollingEventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().


Map<String,NotifyEventContainerServiceDetails> getNotifyEventContainerDetails()
Returns a map of NotifyEventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().


Map<String,AsyncPollingEventContainerServiceDetails> getAsyncPollingEventContainerDetails()
Returns a map of AsyncPollingEventContainerServiceDetails keyed by their ServiceDetails.getId().


RemotingServiceDetails getRemotingDetails()
Returns the remoting service details (the exporter) if configured within the processing unit.


SpaceServiceDetails[] getSpaceDetails()
Returns the space service details as described by the service started within the processing unit.


SpaceServiceDetails getEmbeddedSpaceDetails()
Returns the embedded space service details as described by the service started within the processing unit. null if no embedded space was started within the processing unit.


SpaceServiceDetails[] getEmbeddedSpacesDetails()
Returns the embedded space service details as described by the service started within the processing unit.


MemcachedServiceDetails getMemcachedDetails()


boolean isEmbeddedSpaces()
Returns true if there are embedded spaces started within this processing unit.


SpaceInstance getSpaceInstance()
Returns a space instance that was started within the processing unit instance. Will return null if no embedded space instances were started (or none has been detected yet).


SpaceInstance[] getSpaceInstances()
Returns all the space instances that were started within the processing unit instance. Will return an empty array if no space instances were started within this processing unit (or none has been detected yet).


SpaceInstance waitForSpaceInstance()


SpaceInstance waitForSpaceInstance(long timeout,
                                   TimeUnit timeUnit)


boolean isJee()
Returns true if this processing unit is a jee processing unit.


JeeServiceDetails getJeeDetails()
Returns the jee service details of the jee container that was started within this processing unit.


ProcessingUnitInstanceStatistics getStatistics()
Returns the processing unit instance statistics.


MemberAliveIndicatorStatus getMemberAliveIndicatorStatus()
Returns the current member alive indicator status of this processing unit instance.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.