GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface GridServiceContainer

All Superinterfaces:
AdminAware, AgentGridComponent, DiscoverableComponent, DumpProvider, GridComponent, Iterable<ProcessingUnitInstance>, LogProviderGridComponent, MachineAware, OperatingSystemAware, TransportAware, VirtualMachineAware, ZoneAware

public interface GridServiceContainer
extends AgentGridComponent, Iterable<ProcessingUnitInstance>, LogProviderGridComponent, DumpProvider

A Grid Service Container is a container for ProcessingUnitInstances allocated to it through the GridServiceManager that manages it.


Method Summary
 void addProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Adds a processing unit lifecycle listener to the container.
 boolean contains(ProcessingUnitInstance processingUnitInstance)
          Returns true if the GSC contains the provided processing unit instance.
 ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceAdded()
          Returns an event manager allowing to register for processing unit instance additions to the container.
 ProcessingUnitInstance getProcessingUnitInstanceByUID(String processingUnitInstanceUid)
          Returns the processing unit instance that are currently deployed within the grid service container according to its uid.
 ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceRemoved()
          Returns an event manager allowing to register for processing unit instance removals from the container.
 ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances()
          Returns the processing unit instances that are currently deployed within the grid service container.
 ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances(String processingUnitName)
          Returns the processing unit instances of the specified name that are currently deployed within the grid service container.
 void removeProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Removes a processing unit lifecycle listener to the container.
 boolean waitFor(int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances)
          Waits indefinitely for the given number of processing unit instances to run within the container.
 boolean waitFor(int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits for timeout value (in time unit) for the given number of processing unit instances to run within the container.
 boolean waitFor(String processingUnitName, int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances)
          Waits indefinitely for the given number of processing unit instances of the specified name to run within the container.
 boolean waitFor(String processingUnitName, int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits for timeout value (in time unit) for the given number of processing unit instances of the specified name to run within the container.
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.AgentGridComponent
getAgentId, getGridServiceAgent, kill, restart
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.LogProviderGridComponent
logEntries, logEntriesDirect
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.GridComponent
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.DiscoverableComponent
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.AdminAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.machine.MachineAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.transport.TransportAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.os.OperatingSystemAware
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.vm.VirtualMachineAware
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.dump.DumpProvider
generateDump, generateDump

Method Detail


boolean waitFor(int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances)
Waits indefinitely for the given number of processing unit instances to run within the container.


boolean waitFor(int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances,
                long timeout,
                TimeUnit timeUnit)
Waits for timeout value (in time unit) for the given number of processing unit instances to run within the container. Returns true if the number was reached, false if the timeout expired.


boolean waitFor(String processingUnitName,
                int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances)
Waits indefinitely for the given number of processing unit instances of the specified name to run within the container.


boolean waitFor(String processingUnitName,
                int numberOfProcessingUnitInstances,
                long timeout,
                TimeUnit timeUnit)
Waits for timeout value (in time unit) for the given number of processing unit instances of the specified name to run within the container. Returns true if the number was reached, false if the timeout expired.


ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances()
Returns the processing unit instances that are currently deployed within the grid service container.


ProcessingUnitInstance[] getProcessingUnitInstances(String processingUnitName)
Returns the processing unit instances of the specified name that are currently deployed within the grid service container.


ProcessingUnitInstance getProcessingUnitInstanceByUID(String processingUnitInstanceUid)
Returns the processing unit instance that are currently deployed within the grid service container according to its uid.



boolean contains(ProcessingUnitInstance processingUnitInstance)
Returns true if the GSC contains the provided processing unit instance.


ProcessingUnitInstanceAddedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceAdded()
Returns an event manager allowing to register for processing unit instance additions to the container.


ProcessingUnitInstanceRemovedEventManager getProcessingUnitInstanceRemoved()
Returns an event manager allowing to register for processing unit instance removals from the container.


void addProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Adds a processing unit lifecycle listener to the container.


void removeProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener(ProcessingUnitInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Removes a processing unit lifecycle listener to the container.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.