GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology

All Superinterfaces:
EagerScaleTopology, ElasticDeploymentTopology, ManualCapacityScaleTopology, ProcessingUnitDeploymentTopology
All Known Implementing Classes:
ElasticSpaceDeployment, ElasticStatefulProcessingUnitDeployment

public interface ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology
extends ElasticDeploymentTopology, EagerScaleTopology, ManualCapacityScaleTopology

Method Summary
 ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology highlyAvailable(boolean highlyAvailable)
          Specifies if the space should duplicate each information on two different machines.
 ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology maxMemoryCapacity(int maxMemoryCapacity, MemoryUnit unit)
          Specifies an estimate of the maximum memory capacity for this processing unit.
 ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology maxMemoryCapacity(String maxMemoryCapacity)
          Specifies an estimate of the minimum memory capacity for this processing unit.
 ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology maxNumberOfCpuCores(int maxNumberOfCpuCores)
          Specifies an estimate for the maximum total number of cpu cores used by this processing unit.
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.pu.elastic.topology.ElasticDeploymentTopology
addCommandLineArgument, addContextProperty, addEnvironmentVariable, commandLineArgument, dedicatedMachineProvisioning, environmentVariable, memoryCapacityPerContainer, memoryCapacityPerContainer, name, overrideCommandLineArguments, sharedMachineProvisioning, useScriptToStartContainer
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.pu.topology.ProcessingUnitDeploymentTopology
addDependencies, addDependency, secured, toProcessingUnitDeployment, userDetails, userDetails
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.pu.elastic.topology.EagerScaleTopology
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.pu.elastic.topology.ManualCapacityScaleTopology

Method Detail


ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology maxMemoryCapacity(int maxMemoryCapacity,
                                                    MemoryUnit unit)
Specifies an estimate of the maximum memory capacity for this processing unit. The actual maximum memory capacity will be at least the specified maximum. Requires the memoryCapacityPerContainer() property. The memory capacity value is the sum of both the primary and backup instances memory capacity.


ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology maxMemoryCapacity(String maxMemoryCapacity)
Specifies an estimate of the minimum memory capacity for this processing unit. The actual maximum memory capacity will be at least the specified maximum. Requires the memoryCapacityPerContainer() property. The memory capacity value is the sum of both the primary and backup instances memory capacity.


ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology maxNumberOfCpuCores(int maxNumberOfCpuCores)
Specifies an estimate for the maximum total number of cpu cores used by this processing unit.


ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology highlyAvailable(boolean highlyAvailable)
Specifies if the space should duplicate each information on two different machines. If set to false then partition data is lost each time fail-over or scaling occurs. By default highlyAvailable is true

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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