GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface ElasticDeploymentTopology

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ElasticStatefulDeploymentTopology, ElasticStatelessDeploymentTopology<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ElasticSpaceDeployment, ElasticStatefulProcessingUnitDeployment, ElasticStatelessProcessingUnitDeployment

public interface ElasticDeploymentTopology
extends ProcessingUnitDeploymentTopology

Method Summary
 ElasticDeploymentTopology addCommandLineArgument(String vmInputArgument)
          Will add a JVM level argument when the process is executed using pure JVM.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology addContextProperty(String key, String value)
          Defines a context deploy time property overriding any ${...}
 ElasticDeploymentTopology addEnvironmentVariable(String name, String value)
          Defines an environment variable that will be passed to forked process.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology commandLineArgument(String vmInputArgument)
          Will add a JVM level argument when the process is executed using pure JVM.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology dedicatedMachineProvisioning(ElasticMachineProvisioningConfig config)
          Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology environmentVariable(String name, String value)
          Defines an environment variable that will be passed to forked process.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology memoryCapacityPerContainer(int memoryCapacityPerContainer, MemoryUnit unit)
          Specifies the the heap size per container (operating system process) For example: memoryCapacityPerContainer(256,MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES) is equivalent to commandLineArgument("-Xmx256m").commandLineArgument("-Xms256m")
 ElasticDeploymentTopology memoryCapacityPerContainer(String memoryCapacityPerContainer)
          Specifies the the heap size per container (operating system process) For example: memoryCapacityPerContainer("256m") is equivalent to commandLineArgument("-Xmx256m").commandLineArgument("-Xms256m")
 ElasticDeploymentTopology name(String name)
          Sets the processing unit name that will be deployed.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology overrideCommandLineArguments()
          Will cause JVM options added using commandLineArgument(String) to override all the vm arguments that the JVM will start by default with.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology sharedMachineProvisioning(String sharingId, ElasticMachineProvisioningConfig config)
          Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically.
 ElasticDeploymentTopology useScriptToStartContainer()
          Will cause the GridServiceContainer to be started using a script and not a pure Java process.
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.pu.topology.ProcessingUnitDeploymentTopology
addDependencies, addDependency, secured, toProcessingUnitDeployment, userDetails, userDetails

Method Detail


ElasticDeploymentTopology name(String name)
Sets the processing unit name that will be deployed. By default it will be based on the parameter passed in the constructor.


ElasticDeploymentTopology addContextProperty(String key,
                                             String value)
Defines a context deploy time property overriding any ${...} defined within a processing unit configuration.


ElasticDeploymentTopology useScriptToStartContainer()
Will cause the GridServiceContainer to be started using a script and not a pure Java process.


ElasticDeploymentTopology overrideCommandLineArguments()
Will cause JVM options added using commandLineArgument(String) to override all the vm arguments that the JVM will start by default with.


ElasticDeploymentTopology commandLineArgument(String vmInputArgument)
Will add a JVM level argument when the process is executed using pure JVM. For example, the memory can be controlled using -Xmx512m. This method does not conform to the fluent API naming conventions. Use addCommandLineArgument instead.


ElasticDeploymentTopology addCommandLineArgument(String vmInputArgument)
Will add a JVM level argument when the process is executed using pure JVM. For example, the memory can be controlled using -Xmx512m.


ElasticDeploymentTopology environmentVariable(String name,
                                              String value)
Defines an environment variable that will be passed to forked process. This method does not conform to the fluent API naming conventions. Use addEnvironmnetVariable instead.


ElasticDeploymentTopology addEnvironmentVariable(String name,
                                                 String value)
Defines an environment variable that will be passed to forked process.


ElasticDeploymentTopology dedicatedMachineProvisioning(ElasticMachineProvisioningConfig config)
Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically. For example, the bean could delegate the request to a cloud provider.

The machines returned by the 'machine provisioner' will be dedicated to the instances of this processing unit. In other words, this processing unit will not share the machines with other processing units.

See also DiscoveredMachineProvisioningConfig for configuring deployment on a non-virtualized environment. Machines are discovered if 'Grid Service Agents' are running on them.

See Also:
sharedMachineProvisioning(String, ElasticMachineProvisioningConfig)


ElasticDeploymentTopology sharedMachineProvisioning(String sharingId,
                                                    ElasticMachineProvisioningConfig config)
Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically. For example, the bean could delegate the request to a cloud provider.

The machines returned by the 'machine provisioner' will be shared by other processing unit instances with the same sharingId.

See also DiscoveredMachineProvisioningConfig for configuring deployment on a non-virtualized environment. Machines are discovered if 'Grid Service Agents' are running on them.

See Also:


ElasticDeploymentTopology memoryCapacityPerContainer(int memoryCapacityPerContainer,
                                                     MemoryUnit unit)
Specifies the the heap size per container (operating system process) For example: memoryCapacityPerContainer(256,MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES) is equivalent to commandLineArgument("-Xmx256m").commandLineArgument("-Xms256m")


ElasticDeploymentTopology memoryCapacityPerContainer(String memoryCapacityPerContainer)
Specifies the the heap size per container (operating system process) For example: memoryCapacityPerContainer("256m") is equivalent to commandLineArgument("-Xmx256m").commandLineArgument("-Xms256m")

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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