GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Interface Space

All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<SpaceInstance>, StatisticsMonitor

public interface Space
extends Iterable<SpaceInstance>, StatisticsMonitor

A space is composed of several SpaceInstances the form a topology.

There are two main logical of topologies, one that has backups to each space instance, and one that is without backups. For example, a partitioned topology of 2 partitions, each with one backup will return 2 for getNumberOfInstances() and 1 for getNumberOfBackups(). A replicated topology of 4 will return 4 for getNumberOfInstances() and 0 for getNumberOfBackups().

A Space will be discovered once one of its SpaceInstance have been discovered. It will be removed once there are no SpaceInstances running.

Provides the ability to start a statistics monitor on all current SpaceInstances using StatisticsMonitor.startStatisticsMonitor(). Newly discovered space instances will automatically use the statistics monitor as well.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.StatisticsMonitor
Method Summary
 void addLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to add SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.
 SpaceStatistics getBackupsStatistics()
          Returns an aggregated view of all the statistics of the backup instances.
 GigaSpace getGigaSpace()
          Returns the clustered view of the space to operate on.
 SpaceInstance[] getInstances()
          Returns all the space instances that are currently discovered that are part of this Space topology.
 SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEventManager getInstanceStatisticsChanged()
          Allows to register for space instance level statistics SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEvents.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the Space.
 int getNumberOfBackups()
          Returns the number of backups per Space Instance.
 int getNumberOfInstances()
          Returns the number of instances as per the Space topology.
 SpacePartition getPartition(int partitionId)
          Returns a partition for a specific partition id.
 SpacePartition[] getPartitions()
          Returns all the partitions that form this Space topology.
 SpaceStatistics getPrimariesStatistics()
          Returns an aggregated view of all the statistics of the primary instances.
 ReplicationStatusChangedEventManager getReplicationStatusChanged()
          Allows to globally register for each SpaceInstance ReplicationStatusChangedEvent.
 SpaceRuntimeDetails getRuntimeDetails()
          Returns an aggregated view of all the Space runtime details of all primary instances.
 int getSize()
          Returns the number of currently discovered space instances.
 SpaceInstanceAddedEventManager getSpaceInstanceAdded()
          Allows to registered SpaceInstanceAddedEventListener to be notified when space instances are added.
 SpaceInstanceRemovedEventManager getSpaceInstanceRemoved()
          Allows to registered SpaceInstanceRemovedEventListener to be notified when space instances are removed.
 SpaceModeChangedEventManager getSpaceModeChanged()
          Allows to globally regsiter for each SpaceInstance SpaceModeChangedEvent.
 Spaces getSpaces()
          Returns the spaces this space is one of.
 SpaceStatistics getStatistics()
          Returns an aggregated view of all the statistics of all the instances.
 SpaceStatisticsChangedEventManager getStatisticsChanged()
          Allows to register for aggregated Space level statistics SpaceStatisticsChangedEvent.
 int getTotalNumberOfInstances()
          Returns the total number of instances.
 String getUid()
          Returns the uid of the Space.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if there are currently no space instances discovered.
 void removeLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
          Allows to remove SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.
 boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances)
          Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances are up.
 boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances are up for the specified timeout.
 boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
          Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances that are of the space mode type are up.
 boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances, com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances are of the space mode type are up for the specified timeout.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable
Methods inherited from interface org.openspaces.admin.StatisticsMonitor
isMonitoring, setStatisticsHistorySize, setStatisticsInterval, startStatisticsMonitor, stopStatisticsMonitor

Method Detail


Spaces getSpaces()
Returns the spaces this space is one of.


String getUid()
Returns the uid of the Space.


String getName()
Returns the name of the Space.


int getNumberOfInstances()
Returns the number of instances as per the Space topology. Will return 4 if we have a replicated topology, and 2 if we have a 2 partitions each with one backup topology.


int getNumberOfBackups()
Returns the number of backups per Space Instance. Returns 1 when we deploy a 2 partitions each with one backup topology.


int getTotalNumberOfInstances()
Returns the total number of instances. If there are no backups, will return getNumberOfInstances(). If there are backups, will return getNumberOfInstances() * (getNumberOfBackups() + 1)


SpaceInstance[] getInstances()
Returns all the space instances that are currently discovered that are part of this Space topology.


SpacePartition[] getPartitions()
Returns all the partitions that form this Space topology.


SpacePartition getPartition(int partitionId)
Returns a partition for a specific partition id.


int getSize()
Returns the number of currently discovered space instances.


boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if there are currently no space instances discovered.


GigaSpace getGigaSpace()
Returns the clustered view of the space to operate on.


boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances)
Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances are up.


boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances,
                long timeout,
                TimeUnit timeUnit)
Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances are up for the specified timeout.


boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances,
                com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode)
Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances that are of the space mode type are up.


boolean waitFor(int numberOfSpaceInstances,
                com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.SpaceMode spaceMode,
                long timeout,
                TimeUnit timeUnit)
Waits till at least the provided number of Space Instances are of the space mode type are up for the specified timeout.


SpaceStatistics getStatistics()
Returns an aggregated view of all the statistics of all the instances.


SpaceStatistics getPrimariesStatistics()
Returns an aggregated view of all the statistics of the primary instances.


SpaceStatistics getBackupsStatistics()
Returns an aggregated view of all the statistics of the backup instances.


SpaceRuntimeDetails getRuntimeDetails()
Returns an aggregated view of all the Space runtime details of all primary instances.


SpaceInstanceAddedEventManager getSpaceInstanceAdded()
Allows to registered SpaceInstanceAddedEventListener to be notified when space instances are added.


SpaceInstanceRemovedEventManager getSpaceInstanceRemoved()
Allows to registered SpaceInstanceRemovedEventListener to be notified when space instances are removed.


void addLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to add SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.


void removeLifecycleListener(SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener eventListener)
Allows to remove SpaceInstanceLifecycleEventListener.


SpaceModeChangedEventManager getSpaceModeChanged()
Allows to globally regsiter for each SpaceInstance SpaceModeChangedEvent.


ReplicationStatusChangedEventManager getReplicationStatusChanged()
Allows to globally register for each SpaceInstance ReplicationStatusChangedEvent.


SpaceStatisticsChangedEventManager getStatisticsChanged()
Allows to register for aggregated Space level statistics SpaceStatisticsChangedEvent.

Note, statistics monitoring must be started using StatisticsMonitor.startStatisticsMonitor() in order to receive events.


SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEventManager getInstanceStatisticsChanged()
Allows to register for space instance level statistics SpaceInstanceStatisticsChangedEvents.

Note, statistics monitoring must be started using StatisticsMonitor.startStatisticsMonitor() in order to receive events.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.