GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API.


Interface Summary
Space A space is composed of several SpaceInstances the form a topology.
SpaceInstance A Space Instance is a single instance of a space running as a part of a Space.
SpaceInstanceRuntimeDetails API for accessing Space runtime details - classes, templates, count, etc.
SpaceInstanceStatistics Returns SpaceInstance level statistics.
SpacePartition A Space partition mainly make sense with partitioned topologies and holds all the SpaceInstances that form the partition.
SpaceRuntimeDetails Aggregated runtime details of all the currently discovered SpaceInstances.
Spaces Spaces holds all the currently discovered Spaces.
SpaceStatistics An aggregated statistics of all the currently discovered SpaceInstances.

Class Summary
ElasticSpaceDeployment Defines an elastic deployment of a partitioned data grid (space).
ReplicationTarget Represents a replication target from one SpaceInstance to the other.
SpaceDeployment A deployment of a pure Space processing unit (comes built in under [GS ROOT]/deploy/templates/datagrid).

Enum Summary
ReplicationStatus The replication status from one SpaceInstance to its replication target.
ReplicationTargetType Specified the replication target type

Package Description

Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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