GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


A package supporting advance properties based configuration (based on Spring Properties configuration support) and the ability to inject them externally to a Spring application context.


Interface Summary
BeanLevelMergedPropertiesAware A callback that sets the merged properties using mergedProperties and the bean name that the bean implementing this interface is associated with.
BeanLevelPropertiesAware A callback allowing for bean to be injected with BeanLevelProperties.

Class Summary
BeanLevelProperties An extension to Spring support for properties based configuration.
BeanLevelPropertyBeanPostProcessor A Spring BeanPostProcessor that process beans that implement BeanLevelPropertiesAware or BeanLevelMergedPropertiesAware based on the provided BeanLevelProperties.
BeanLevelPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer An extension on top of Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer that works with BeanLevelProperties in order to inject bean level properties.

Annotation Types Summary
BeanLevelMergedPropertiesContext Allows for beans to be injected with BeanLevelProperties that contains the bean level merged properties.
BeanLevelPropertiesContext Allows for beans to be injected with BeanLevelProperties.

Package Description

A package supporting advance properties based configuration (based on Spring Properties configuration support) and the ability to inject them externally to a Spring application context.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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