GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation.


Interface Summary
CachePolicy A generic interface for cache policies.
SpaceConfigurer A generic interface for space configurers.

Class Summary
AbstractSpaceFactoryBean Base class for most space factory beans responsible for creating/finding IJSpace implementation.
AllInCachePolicy A cache policy that stores all the data in the space.
DirectSpaceFactoryBean A direct space factory bean, initialized with an existing IJSpace and provides it as the space.
LruCachePolicy Configures the Space to run in LRU mode.
SecurityConfig A configuration object allowing to configure security context (username, password) when working with the Space.
SpaceServiceDetails A Space service defined within a processing unit.
UrlSpaceConfigurer A simple configurer helper to create IJSpace instances.
UrlSpaceFactoryBean A space factory bean that creates a space (IJSpace) based on a url.

Enum Summary
SpaceType The type of a space.

Exception Summary
CannotCreateSpaceException Happens when IJSpace can not be created.
CannotFindSpaceException Happens when IJSpace can not be found (when using jini/rmi protocol).

Package Description

This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation.

Most common class used is UrlSpaceFactoryBean which uses GigaSapces SpaceFinder.find in order to find/create a Space based a url and additional properties.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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