GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Class UrlSpaceFactoryBean

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDumpProcessor, EventListener, ClusterInfoAware, MemberAliveIndicator, BeanLevelMergedPropertiesAware, ServiceDetailsProvider, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, FactoryBean, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener

public class UrlSpaceFactoryBean
extends AbstractSpaceFactoryBean
implements BeanLevelMergedPropertiesAware, ClusterInfoAware

A space factory bean that creates a space (IJSpace) based on a url.

The factory allows to specify url properties using urlProperties and space parameters using parameters or using properties. It also accepts a ClusterInfo using setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo) and translates it into the relevant space url properties automatically.

Most url properties are explicitly exposed using different setters. Though they can also be set using the urlProperties the explicit setters allow for more readable and simpler configuration. Some examples of explicit url properties are: setSchema(String), setFifo(boolean).

The factory uses the BeanLevelMergedPropertiesAware in order to be injected with properties that were not parameterized in advance (using ${...} notation). This will directly inject additional properties in the Space creation/finding process.

See Also:
SpaceURLParser, SpaceFinder

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new url space factory bean.
UrlSpaceFactoryBean(String url)
          Creates a new url space factory bean based on the url provided.
UrlSpaceFactoryBean(String url, Map<String,Object> params)
          Creates a new url space factory bean based on the url and map parameters provided.
Method Summary
protected  IJSpace doCreateSpace()
          Creates the space by calling doGetSpaceUrls() and then using the returned SpaceURL a space is found using SpaceFinder.find(SpaceURL).
protected  SpaceURL[] doGetSpaceUrls()
          Parses the given space url using SpaceURLParser and returns the parsed SpaceURL.
 void setCachePolicy(CachePolicy cachePolicy)
          Sets the cache policy that the space will use.
 void setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
          Injected thanks to this bean implementing ClusterInfoAware.
 void setDistributedTransactionProcessingConfiguration(DistributedTransactionProcessingConfigurationFactoryBean distributedTransactionProcessingConfiguration)
          Sets the distributed transaction processing configuration for the Mirror component.
 void setExternalDataSource(ManagedDataSource externalDataSource)
          A data source
 void setFifo(boolean fifo)
          Indicates that all take/write operations be conducted in FIFO mode.
 void setFilterProviders(FilterProviderFactory[] filterProviders)
          Inject a list of filter provider factories providing the ability to inject actual Space filters.
 void setGatewayTargets(GatewayTargetsFactoryBean gatewayTargets)
          Sets the gateway replication targets to be used with the constructed space.
 void setLookupGroups(String lookupGroups)
          The Jini Lookup Service group to find container or space using multicast (jini protocol).
 void setLookupLocators(String lookupLocators)
          The Jini Lookup locators for the Space.
 void setLookupTimeout(Integer lookupTimeout)
          The max timeout in milliseconds to find a Container or Space using multicast (jini protocol).
 void setMergedBeanLevelProperties(Properties beanLevelProperties)
          Externally managed override properties using open spaces extended config support.
 void setMirror(boolean mirror)
          When setting this URL property to true it will allow the space to connect to the Mirror service to push its data and operations for asynchronous persistency.
 void setNoWriteLease(boolean noWriteLease)
          If true - Lease object would not return from the write/writeMultiple operations.
 void setParameters(Map<String,Object> parameters)
          Sets the parameters the IJSpace will be created with.
 void setProperties(Properties properties)
          Same as parameters just with properties for simpler configuration.
 void setReplicationFilterProvider(ReplicationFilterProviderFactory replicationFilterProvider)
          Injects a replication provider allowing to directly inject actual replication filters.
 void setSchema(String schema)
          The space instance is created using a space schema file which can be used as a template configuration file for creating a space.
 void setSecured(boolean secured)
          Sets the space as secured.
 void setSpaceTypes(SpaceTypeDescriptor[] typeDescriptors)
          Inject a list of space types.
 void setUrl(String url)
          Sets the url the IJSpace will be created with.
 void setUrlProperties(Properties urlProperties)
          Sets the url properties.
 void setVersioned(boolean versioned)
          When false, optimistic lock is disabled.
Methods inherited from class
afterPropertiesSet, destroy, fireSpaceAfterBackupEvent, fireSpaceAfterPrimaryEvent, fireSpaceBeforeBackupEvent, fireSpaceBeforePrimaryEvent, getApplicationContext, getName, getObject, getObjectType, getSecurityConfig, getServicesDetails, isAlive, isMemberAliveEnabled, isRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications, isSingleton, onApplicationEvent, process, setApplicationContext, setBeanName, setEnableMemberAliveIndicator, setPrimaryBackupListener, setRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications, setSecurityConfig, setUserDetails
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UrlSpaceFactoryBean()
Creates a new url space factory bean. The url parameters is requires so the setUrl(String) must be called before the bean is initialized.


public UrlSpaceFactoryBean(String url)
Creates a new url space factory bean based on the url provided.

url - The url to create the IJSpace with.


public UrlSpaceFactoryBean(String url,
                           Map<String,Object> params)
Creates a new url space factory bean based on the url and map parameters provided.

url - The url to create the IJSpace with.
params - The parameters to create the IJSpace with.
Method Detail


public void setSecured(boolean secured)
Sets the space as secured. Note, when passing userName and password it will automatically be secured.


public void setUrl(String url)
Sets the url the IJSpace will be created with. Note this url does not take affect after the bean has been initialized.

url - The url to create the IJSpace with.


public void setParameters(Map<String,Object> parameters)
Sets the parameters the IJSpace will be created with. Note this parameters does not take affect after the bean has been initialized.

Note, this should not be confused with setUrlProperties(java.util.Properties). The parameters here are the ones referred to as custom properties and allows for example to control the xpath injection to space schema.

parameters - The parameters to create the IJSpace with.


public void setProperties(Properties properties)
Same as parameters just with properties for simpler configuration.


public void setUrlProperties(Properties urlProperties)
Sets the url properties. Note, most if not all url level properties can be set using explicit setters.


public void setSchema(String schema)
The space instance is created using a space schema file which can be used as a template configuration file for creating a space. The user specifies one of the pre-configured schema names (to create a space instance from its template) or a custom one using this property.

If a schema name is not defined, a default schema name called default will be used.


public void setFifo(boolean fifo)
Indicates that all take/write operations be conducted in FIFO mode. Default is the Space default (false).


public void setLookupGroups(String lookupGroups)
The Jini Lookup Service group to find container or space using multicast (jini protocol). Groups are comma separated list.


public void setLookupLocators(String lookupLocators)
The Jini Lookup locators for the Space. In the form of: host1:port1,host2:port2.


public void setLookupTimeout(Integer lookupTimeout)
The max timeout in milliseconds to find a Container or Space using multicast (jini protocol). Defaults to 6000 (i.e. 6 seconds).


public void setVersioned(boolean versioned)
When false, optimistic lock is disabled. Default to the Space default value.


public void setNoWriteLease(boolean noWriteLease)
If true - Lease object would not return from the write/writeMultiple operations. Defaults to the Space default value (false).


public void setMirror(boolean mirror)
When setting this URL property to true it will allow the space to connect to the Mirror service to push its data and operations for asynchronous persistency. Defaults to the Space default (which defaults to false).


public void setFilterProviders(FilterProviderFactory[] filterProviders)
Inject a list of filter provider factories providing the ability to inject actual Space filters.


public void setReplicationFilterProvider(ReplicationFilterProviderFactory replicationFilterProvider)
Injects a replication provider allowing to directly inject actual replication filters.


public void setExternalDataSource(ManagedDataSource externalDataSource)
A data source


public void setSpaceTypes(SpaceTypeDescriptor[] typeDescriptors)
Inject a list of space types.


public void setCachePolicy(CachePolicy cachePolicy)
Sets the cache policy that the space will use. If not set, will default to the one configured in the space schema.

See Also:
AllInCachePolicy, LruCachePolicy


public void setMergedBeanLevelProperties(Properties beanLevelProperties)
Externally managed override properties using open spaces extended config support. Should not be set directly but allowed for different Spring context container to set it.

Specified by:
setMergedBeanLevelProperties in interface BeanLevelMergedPropertiesAware


public void setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Injected thanks to this bean implementing ClusterInfoAware. If set will use the cluster information in order to configure the url based on it.

Specified by:
setClusterInfo in interface ClusterInfoAware
clusterInfo - The cluster information to be injected


protected IJSpace doCreateSpace()
                         throws DataAccessException
Creates the space by calling doGetSpaceUrls() and then using the returned SpaceURL a space is found using SpaceFinder.find(SpaceURL).

Specified by:
doCreateSpace in class AbstractSpaceFactoryBean
The IJSpace implementation used for the factory bean


protected SpaceURL[] doGetSpaceUrls()
                             throws DataAccessException
Parses the given space url using SpaceURLParser and returns the parsed SpaceURL.

Uses the setUrlProperties(java.util.Properties) and setParameters(java.util.Map) as parameters for the space. Also uses the setClusterInfo(org.openspaces.core.cluster.ClusterInfo) by automatically translating the cluster information into relevant Space url properties.



public void setGatewayTargets(GatewayTargetsFactoryBean gatewayTargets)
Sets the gateway replication targets to be used with the constructed space.

gatewayTargets - The gateway targets.


public void setDistributedTransactionProcessingConfiguration(DistributedTransactionProcessingConfigurationFactoryBean distributedTransactionProcessingConfiguration)
Sets the distributed transaction processing configuration for the Mirror component.

transactionProcessingConfiguration - The distributed transaction processing configuration to set.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.