GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API
Class AbstractSpaceFactoryBean

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDumpProcessor, EventListener, MemberAliveIndicator, ServiceDetailsProvider, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, FactoryBean, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
DirectSpaceFactoryBean, UrlSpaceFactoryBean

public abstract class AbstractSpaceFactoryBean
extends Object
implements BeanNameAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean, FactoryBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener, MemberAliveIndicator, ServiceDetailsProvider, com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDumpProcessor

Base class for most space factory beans responsible for creating/finding IJSpace implementation.

Provides support for raising Spring application events: BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent and AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent alerting other beans of the current space mode (primary/backup). Beans that wish to be notified of it should implement Spring ApplicationListener. Note that this space mode events might be raised more than once for the same space mode, and beans that listen to it should take it into account.

The space mode event will be raised regardless of the space "type" that is used. For embedded spaces, an actual space mode event listener will be registered with the actual cluster member (if not in cluster mode, the actual space). For remote space lookups (jini/rmi), no listener will be registered and Space mode events will still be raised during context refresh with a PRIMARY mode in order to allow beans to be written regardless of how the space is looked up.

Derived classes should implement the doCreateSpace() to obtain the IJSpace.


Field Summary
protected  Log logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Initializes the space by calling the doCreateSpace().
 void destroy()
          Destroys the space and unregisters the internal space mode listener (if registered).
protected abstract  IJSpace doCreateSpace()
          Responsible for creating/finding the actual IJSpace implementation.
protected  void fireSpaceAfterBackupEvent()
          Sends AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.BACKUP to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceAfterBackupListener interface.
protected  void fireSpaceAfterPrimaryEvent()
          Sends AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.PRIMARY to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceAfterPrimaryListener interface.
protected  void fireSpaceBeforeBackupEvent()
          Sends BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.BACKUP to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceBeforeBackupListener interface.
protected  void fireSpaceBeforePrimaryEvent()
          Sends BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.PRIMARY to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceBeforePrimaryListener interface.
protected  ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
 String getName()
 Object getObject()
          Spring factory bean returning the IJSpace created during the bean initialization (afterPropertiesSet()).
 Class<? extends IJSpace> getObjectType()
          Returns the object type of the factory bean.
protected  SecurityConfig getSecurityConfig()
 ServiceDetails[] getServicesDetails()
          Retruns one or more service details that the service exposes.
 boolean isAlive()
          Returns if this space is alive or not by pinging the Space and if it is considered healthy.
 boolean isMemberAliveEnabled()
          Returns the setEnableMemberAliveIndicator(Boolean) flag.
protected  boolean isRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications()
          Returns if the space should register for primary backup notifications.
 boolean isSingleton()
          Returns true since this factory is a singleton.
 void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent applicationEvent)
          If ContextRefreshedEvent is raised will send two extra events: BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent and AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent with the current space mode.
 void process(com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDump dump)
 void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
          Injected by Spring thanks to ApplicationContextAware.
 void setBeanName(String name)
 void setEnableMemberAliveIndicator(Boolean enableMemberAliveIndicator)
          Should this Space bean control if the cluster member is alive or not.
 void setPrimaryBackupListener(com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.ISpaceModeListener primaryBackupListener)
          Sets a custom primary backup listener
 void setRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications(boolean registerForSpaceMode)
          Sets if the space should register for primary backup (mode) notifications.
 void setSecurityConfig(SecurityConfig securityConfig)
          Sets security configuration for the Space.
 void setUserDetails(UserDetails userDetails)
          Sets the security configuration with the provided custom user details.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Log logger
Constructor Detail


public AbstractSpaceFactoryBean()
Method Detail


public void setRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications(boolean registerForSpaceMode)
Sets if the space should register for primary backup (mode) notifications. Default behavior (if the flag was not set) will register to primary backup notification if the space was found using an embedded protocol, and will not register for notification if the space was found using rmi or jini protocols.


public void setUserDetails(UserDetails userDetails)
Sets the security configuration with the provided custom user details.

userDetails - a custom user details.


public void setSecurityConfig(SecurityConfig securityConfig)
Sets security configuration for the Space. If not set, no security will be used.


protected SecurityConfig getSecurityConfig()


public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
                           throws BeansException
Injected by Spring thanks to ApplicationContextAware.

Specified by:
setApplicationContext in interface ApplicationContextAware


protected ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()


public void setBeanName(String name)
Specified by:
setBeanName in interface BeanNameAware


public void setPrimaryBackupListener(com.gigaspaces.cluster.activeelection.ISpaceModeListener primaryBackupListener)
Sets a custom primary backup listener


public void setEnableMemberAliveIndicator(Boolean enableMemberAliveIndicator)
Should this Space bean control if the cluster member is alive or not. Defaults to true if the Space started is an embedded Space, and false if the it is connected to a remote Space.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
                        throws DataAccessException
Initializes the space by calling the doCreateSpace().

Registers with the Space an internal space mode listener in order to be able to send Spring level BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent and AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent for primary and backup handling of different beans within the context. The registration is based on isRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications().

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


public void destroy()
             throws Exception
Destroys the space and unregisters the internal space mode listener (if registered).

Specified by:
destroy in interface DisposableBean


public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent applicationEvent)
If ContextRefreshedEvent is raised will send two extra events: BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent and AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent with the current space mode. This is done since other beans that use this events might not catch them while the context is constructed.

Note, this will mean that events with the same Space mode might be raised, one after the other, and Spring beans that listens for them should take it into account.

Specified by:
onApplicationEvent in interface ApplicationListener


public Object getObject()
Spring factory bean returning the IJSpace created during the bean initialization (afterPropertiesSet()).

Specified by:
getObject in interface FactoryBean
The IJSpace implementation


public Class<? extends IJSpace> getObjectType()
Returns the object type of the factory bean. Defaults to IJSpace class or the actual IJSpace implementation class.

Specified by:
getObjectType in interface FactoryBean


public boolean isSingleton()
Returns true since this factory is a singleton.

Specified by:
isSingleton in interface FactoryBean


public boolean isMemberAliveEnabled()
Returns the setEnableMemberAliveIndicator(Boolean) flag.

Specified by:
isMemberAliveEnabled in interface MemberAliveIndicator


public boolean isAlive()
                throws Exception
Returns if this space is alive or not by pinging the Space and if it is considered healthy.

Specified by:
isAlive in interface MemberAliveIndicator


protected abstract IJSpace doCreateSpace()
                                  throws DataAccessException
Responsible for creating/finding the actual IJSpace implementation.

The IJSpace implementation used for the factory bean


protected boolean isRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications()
Returns if the space should register for primary backup notifications. If setRegisterForSpaceModeNotifications(boolean) was set, will return this flag. If not, will register to primary backup notification if the space was found using an embedded protocol, and will not register for notification if the space was found using rmi or jini protocols.


protected void fireSpaceBeforeBackupEvent()
Sends BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.BACKUP to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceBeforeBackupListener interface.


protected void fireSpaceAfterBackupEvent()
Sends AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.BACKUP to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceAfterBackupListener interface.


protected void fireSpaceBeforePrimaryEvent()
Sends BeforeSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.PRIMARY to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceBeforePrimaryListener interface.


protected void fireSpaceAfterPrimaryEvent()
Sends AfterSpaceModeChangeEvent events with space mode SpaceMode.PRIMARY to all beans in the application context that implement the SpaceAfterPrimaryListener interface.


public ServiceDetails[] getServicesDetails()
Description copied from interface: ServiceDetailsProvider
Retruns one or more service details that the service exposes.

Specified by:
getServicesDetails in interface ServiceDetailsProvider


public String getName()
Specified by:
getName in interface com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDumpProcessor


public void process(com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDump dump)
             throws com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDumpProcessorFailedException
Specified by:
process in interface com.gigaspaces.internal.dump.InternalDumpProcessor

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.