GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TransactionProvider
org.openspaces.core Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. 
org.openspaces.core.transaction A package exposing the ability to get a GigaSpaces/Jini current transaction (integrating with Spring transaction management). 

Uses of TransactionProvider in org.openspaces.core

Methods in org.openspaces.core that return TransactionProvider
 TransactionProvider DefaultGigaSpace.getTxProvider()
 TransactionProvider GigaSpace.getTxProvider()
          Returns the transaction provider allowing to access the current running transaction.
 TransactionProvider DefaultGigaMap.getTxProvider()
 TransactionProvider GigaMap.getTxProvider()
          Returns the transaction provider allowing accessing the current running transaction.

Methods in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type TransactionProvider
 void GigaSpaceFactoryBean.setTxProvider(TransactionProvider txProvider)
          Sets the transaction provider that will be used by the created GigaSpace.
 void GigaMapFactoryBean.setTxProvider(TransactionProvider txProvider)
          Sets the transaction provider that will be used by the created GigaMap.
 GigaSpaceConfigurer GigaSpaceConfigurer.txProvider(TransactionProvider txProvider)
 GigaMapConfigurer GigaMapConfigurer.txProvider(TransactionProvider txProvider)

Constructors in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type TransactionProvider
DefaultGigaMap(IMap map, TransactionProvider txProvider, ExceptionTranslator exTranslator, int defaultIsolationLevel)
          Constructs a new DefaultGigaMap implementation.
DefaultGigaSpace(IJSpace space, TransactionProvider txProvider, ExceptionTranslator exTranslator, int defaultIsolationLevel)
          Constructs a new DefaultGigaSpace implementation.

Uses of TransactionProvider in org.openspaces.core.transaction

Classes in org.openspaces.core.transaction that implement TransactionProvider
 class DefaultTransactionProvider
          Default transaction provider works in conjunction with JiniPlatformTransactionManager and one of its derived classes.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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