GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


A package including adapter implementation of SpaceDataEventListener allowing to use either annotation or method listing to listen for events generated by different event containers.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractReflectionEventListenerAdapter Base class for reflection driven invocation of event listener methods.
AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter A base class event listener allowing for event listeners result handling by writing it back to the space.
AnnotationEventListenerAdapter An event listener adapter that uses SpaceDataEvent annotation in order to find event listener methods to delegate to.
MethodEventListenerAdapter The method event listener adapter allows to configure the method name (using MethodEventListenerAdapter.setMethodName(String) that the event will be delegated to.
TaskExecutorEventListenerAdapter An adapter that delegates the execution of a SpaceDataEventListener to Spring TaskExecutor implementation (usually to be executed in a different thread).

Annotation Types Summary
SpaceDataEvent A space data event annotation allowing to mark methods as delegates to be executed when an event occurs.

Package Description

A package including adapter implementation of SpaceDataEventListener allowing to use either annotation or method listing to listen for events generated by different event containers.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.