GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API


A package including based classes and support classes for different OpenSpaces event containers.


Interface Summary
EventExceptionHandler<T> An exception handler to handle exception when invoking event listeners.
EventTemplateProvider A template provider allowing for custom implementations to provide a template used for matching on events to receive.
SpaceDataEventListener<T> A Space data event listener interface allowing for reception of events triggered by different container types.

Class Summary
AbstractEventListenerContainer A simple based class for SpaceDataEventListener based containers.
AbstractSpaceListeningContainer Common base class for all containers which need to implement listening based on Space events.
AbstractTemplateEventListenerContainer A simple base class that provides support methods for Template based event listeners.
EventContainerServiceDetails A generic event container service details.
EventContainerServiceMonitors A generic event container service monitors.

Exception Summary
ListenerExecutionFailedException Represents a listener execution failure.

Annotation Types Summary
EventDriven A simple marker interface denoting a class to be event driven.
EventTemplate Marking a listener method with this annotation will result in its return value to be used as the template for the event container.
ExceptionHandler An annotation marking a method as one that is responsible to return a EventExceptionHandler to be used with event containers.
TransactionalEvent Marks an event container configured using annotations (Polling or Notify as transactional.

Package Description

A package including based classes and support classes for different OpenSpaces event containers.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.