GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface RemoteResultReducer<T,Y>

public interface RemoteResultReducer<T,Y>

A remoting result reducer (ala Map Reduce) used when working with ExecutorSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean in broadcast mode in order to reduce the broadcast results into a "client side" result value.


Method Summary
 T reduce(SpaceRemotingResult<Y>[] results, SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingInvocation)
          Reduces a list of Space remoting invocation results to an Object value.

Method Detail


T reduce(SpaceRemotingResult<Y>[] results,
         SpaceRemotingInvocation remotingInvocation)
         throws Exception
Reduces a list of Space remoting invocation results to an Object value. Can use the provided remote invocation to perform different reduce operations, for example based on the SpaceRemotingInvocation.getMethodName().

An exception thrown from the reduce operation will be propagated to the client.

results - A list of results from (usually) broadcast sync remote invocation.
remotingInvocation - The remote invocation
A reduced return value (to the calling client)
Exception - An exception that will be propagated to the client

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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