GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Interface SpaceRemotingResult<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
HashedSpaceRemotingEntry, SpaceRemotingEntry
All Known Implementing Classes:
EventDrivenSpaceRemotingEntry, HashedEventDrivenSpaceRemotingEntry

public interface SpaceRemotingResult<T>

A remote invocation result holding either an exception (that occurred during the execution of remote service) or the actual result data.

In order to correctly handle results, first check getException() for possible exception during the remote invocation. If a null value is returned, check the actual result using getResult().


Method Summary
 Throwable getException()
          An exception that occured during the remote invocation.
 Integer getInstanceId()
          The cluster instance id this result was executed on.
 T getResult()
          The result of the remote invocation.
 Integer getRouting()
          Returns the routing index for the given result in cases where the remote invocation was directed to a specific cluster instance.

Method Detail


Integer getRouting()
Returns the routing index for the given result in cases where the remote invocation was directed to a specific cluster instance.


T getResult()
The result of the remote invocation. Note, null value might mean that remote service returned null/void, but it also might means that there might be an getException().


Throwable getException()
An exception that occured during the remote invocation. null value means there was no exception.


Integer getInstanceId()
The cluster instance id this result was executed on.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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