GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Class SpaceRemotingServiceExporter

  extended by org.openspaces.remoting.SpaceRemotingServiceExporter
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, ClusterInfoAware, EventTemplateProvider, SpaceDataEventListener<SpaceRemotingEntry>, ServiceDetailsProvider, ServiceMonitorsProvider, BeanNameAware, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener

public class SpaceRemotingServiceExporter
extends Object
implements SpaceDataEventListener<SpaceRemotingEntry>, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, BeanNameAware, EventTemplateProvider, ClusterInfoAware, ApplicationListener, ServiceDetailsProvider, ServiceMonitorsProvider

Exports a list of services (beans) as remote services with the Space as the transport layer. All the interfaces each service implements are registered as lookup names (matching SpaceRemotingInvocation.getLookupName() which are then used to lookup the actual service when a remote invocation is received. The correct service and its method are then executed and a SpaceRemotingResult is written back to the space. The remote result can either hold the return value (or null in case of void return value) or an exception that was thrown by the service.

The exporter implements SpaceDataEventListener which means that it acts as a listener to data events and should be used with the different event containers such as SimplePollingEventListenerContainer. This method of execution is called event driven remote execution (EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean).

It also implements EventTemplateProvider which means that within the event container configuration there is no need to configure the template, as it uses the one provided by this exported.

Last, the exporter provides services to executor based remoting (ExecutorSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean).

By default, the exporter will also autowire and post process all the arguments passed, allowing to inject them with "server" side beans using Spring Autowired annotation for example. Note, this variables must be defined as transient so they won't be passed back to the client. This can be disabled by setting setDisableAutowiredArguments(boolean) to true.

See Also:
SimplePollingEventListenerContainer, SpaceRemotingEntry, EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean

Field Summary
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addService(String beanId, Object service)
 void afterPropertiesSet()
 ServiceDetails[] getServicesDetails()
          Retruns one or more service details that the service exposes.
 ServiceMonitors[] getServicesMonitors()
          Retruns one or more service details that the service exposes.
 Object getTemplate()
          The template used for receiving events.
 Object invokeExecutor(ExecutorRemotingTask task)
 void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent applicationEvent)
 void onEvent(SpaceRemotingEntry remotingEntry, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Receives a SpaceRemotingEntry which holds all the relevant invocation information.
 void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
          Application context injected by Spring
 void setAsyncInterfaceSuffix(String asyncInterfaceSuffix)
          For async based execution of remote services, this is one of the options to enable this by using two different interfaces.
 void setBeanName(String name)
 void setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
          Cluster Info injected
 void setDisableAutowiredArguments(boolean disableAutowiredArguments)
          Allows to disable (by default it is enabled) the autowiring of method arguments with beans that exists within the server side context.
 void setFifo(boolean fifo)
          Sets the template used to read async invocation (the SpaceRemotingEntry) to be fifo.
 void setServiceExecutionAspect(ServiceExecutionAspect serviceExecutionAspect)
          Allows to inject a service execution callback.
 void setServices(List<Object> services)
          Sets the list of services that will be exported as remote services.
 void setTemplateLookupName(String templateLookupName)
          Allows to narrow down the async polling container to perform a lookup only on specific lookup name (which is usually the interface that will be used to proxy it on the client side).
 void setUseFastReflection(boolean userFastReflection)
          Controls if executing the service should use fast reflection or not.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_ASYNC_INTERFACE_SUFFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SpaceRemotingServiceExporter()
Method Detail


public void setServices(List<Object> services)
Sets the list of services that will be exported as remote services. Each service will have all of its interfaces registered as lookups (mapping to SpaceRemotingInvocation.getLookupName() which will then be used to invoke the correct service.


public void setAsyncInterfaceSuffix(String asyncInterfaceSuffix)
For async based execution of remote services, this is one of the options to enable this by using two different interfaces. The first is the actual "server side" interface (sync), and the other has the same interface name just with an "async suffix" to it. The exporter will identify the async suffix, and will perform the invocation on the actual interface.

This setter allows to set the async suffix which by default is Async.


public void setFifo(boolean fifo)
Sets the template used to read async invocation (the SpaceRemotingEntry) to be fifo. Works in with setting the EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean fifo flag to true and allows for remoting to work in fifo mode without needing to set the whole Space to work in fifo mode.


public void setUseFastReflection(boolean userFastReflection)
Controls if executing the service should use fast reflection or not.


public void setDisableAutowiredArguments(boolean disableAutowiredArguments)
Allows to disable (by default it is enabled) the autowiring of method arguments with beans that exists within the server side context.


public void setServiceExecutionAspect(ServiceExecutionAspect serviceExecutionAspect)
Allows to inject a service execution callback.


public void setTemplateLookupName(String templateLookupName)
Allows to narrow down the async polling container to perform a lookup only on specific lookup name (which is usually the interface that will be used to proxy it on the client side). Defaults to match on all async remoting invocations.

This option allows to create several polling container, each for different service that will perform the actual invocation.


public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
Application context injected by Spring

Specified by:
setApplicationContext in interface ApplicationContextAware


public void setBeanName(String name)
Specified by:
setBeanName in interface BeanNameAware


public void setClusterInfo(ClusterInfo clusterInfo)
Cluster Info injected

Specified by:
setClusterInfo in interface ClusterInfoAware
clusterInfo - The cluster information to be injected


public void addService(String beanId,
                       Object service)
                throws IllegalStateException


public void afterPropertiesSet()
                        throws Exception
Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent applicationEvent)
Specified by:
onApplicationEvent in interface ApplicationListener


public Object getTemplate()
The template used for receiving events. Defaults to all objects that are of type SpaceRemotingEntry.

Specified by:
getTemplate in interface EventTemplateProvider


public ServiceDetails[] getServicesDetails()
Description copied from interface: ServiceDetailsProvider
Retruns one or more service details that the service exposes.

Specified by:
getServicesDetails in interface ServiceDetailsProvider


public ServiceMonitors[] getServicesMonitors()
Description copied from interface: ServiceMonitorsProvider
Retruns one or more service details that the service exposes.

Specified by:
getServicesMonitors in interface ServiceMonitorsProvider


public void onEvent(SpaceRemotingEntry remotingEntry,
                    GigaSpace gigaSpace,
                    TransactionStatus txStatus,
                    Object source)
             throws RemoteAccessException
Receives a SpaceRemotingEntry which holds all the relevant invocation information. Looks up (based on SpaceRemotingInvocation.getLookupName() the interface the service is registered against (which is the interface the service implements) and then invokes the relevant method within it using the provided method name and arguments. Write the result value or invocation exception back to the space using SpaceRemotingEntry.

Specified by:
onEvent in interface SpaceDataEventListener<SpaceRemotingEntry>
remotingEntry - The remote entry object
gigaSpace - The GigaSpace interface
txStatus - A transactional status
source - An optional source event information


public Object invokeExecutor(ExecutorRemotingTask task)
                      throws Throwable

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.