GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CompiledScriptCache

Uses of CompiledScriptCache in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting with parameters of type CompiledScriptCache
 void DefaultScriptingExecutor.setNonThreadSafeCopmiledScriptCache(CompiledScriptCache nonThreadSafeCopmiledScriptCache)
          Sets a compiled script cache for compiled scripts taht are not thread safe (the same script can not be executed by different threads).
 void DefaultScriptingExecutor.setThreadSafeCompiledScriptCache(CompiledScriptCache threadSafeCompiledScriptCache)
          Sets a compiled script cache for compiled scripts taht are thread safe (the same script can be executed by different threads).

Uses of CompiledScriptCache in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting.cache

Classes in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting.cache that implement CompiledScriptCache
 class LRUNonThreadSafeCompiledScriptCache
          An LRU cache that can handle compiled scripts that are not thread safe.
 class LRUThreadSafeCompiledScriptCache
          An LRU cache that can handle compiled scripts that are thread safe.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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