GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Script

Uses of Script in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting

Subinterfaces of Script in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting
 interface LazyLoadingScript
          Allows to define a lazy loading script which will not send the scipt contents during the invocaiton if the scipt can be cached and compiled.

Classes in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting that implement Script
 class ResourceLazyLoadingScript
          A resource lazy loading script is a lazy loading script that uses Spring abstraction on top of resources on top of a resource.
 class StaticResourceScript
          A static script that uses Spring Resource and ResourceLoader to load a given script (for example, from the classpath).
 class StaticScript
          A script that holds the actual script as a String.

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting with parameters of type Script
 Future DefaultScriptingExecutor.asyncExecute(Script script)
 Future<T> ScriptingExecutor.asyncExecute(Script script)
          Executes the given script and return a future that can be used to read the response at a later stage.
 T LocalScriptExecutor.compile(Script script)
          Compiles the given sctipt.
 T AbstractLocalScriptExecutor.compile(Script script)
protected abstract  T AbstractLocalScriptExecutor.doCompile(Script script)
 JRubyLocalScriptExecutor.JRubyCompiledScript JRubyLocalScriptExecutor.doCompile(Script script)
protected  groovy.lang.Script GroovyLocalScriptExecutor.doCompile(Script script)
 Object Jsr223LocalScriptExecutor.doCompile(Script script)
 Object DefaultScriptingExecutor.execute(Script script)
 T ScriptingExecutor.execute(Script script)
          Executes the given script and returns a response.
 Object JRubyLocalScriptExecutor.execute(Script script, JRubyLocalScriptExecutor.JRubyCompiledScript compiledScript, Map<String,Object> parameters)
 Object Jsr223LocalScriptExecutor.execute(Script script, Object compiledScript, Map<String,Object> parameters)
 Object GroovyLocalScriptExecutor.execute(Script script, groovy.lang.Script compiledScript, Map<String,Object> parameters)
 Object LocalScriptExecutor.execute(Script script, T compiledScript, Map<String,Object> parameters)
          Executes the given compiled script.

Uses of Script in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting.cache

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting.cache with parameters of type Script
 Object LRUNonThreadSafeCompiledScriptCache.get(String name, LocalScriptExecutor executor, Script script)
 Object CompiledScriptCache.get(String name, LocalScriptExecutor executor, Script script)
          Gets the compiled script from the cache.
 Object LRUThreadSafeCompiledScriptCache.get(String name, LocalScriptExecutor executor, Script script)
 void CompiledScriptPool.init(LocalScriptExecutor executor, Script script)
          Inits the pool by compiling zero or more scripts.
 void BlockingQueueCompiledScriptPool.init(LocalScriptExecutor executor, Script script)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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