Annotation Type SpaceFifoGroupingProperty
public @interface SpaceFifoGroupingProperty
Defines a space fifo grouping property.
Can be defined on a property getter.
Fifo grouping property on nested object property is defined on the nested object getter.
If defined, the TakeModifiers.FIFO_GROUPING_POLL
modifiers can be used to get
the take/read results in fifo order, when the fifo poll is grouped by the property marked as SpaceFifoGroupingProperty
For example:
To index the 'socialSecurity' property
1. @spaceFifoGroupingProperty
public long getSocialSecurity() {
return socialSecurity;
To index '':
2. @spaceFifoGroupingProperty(path = "name")
public Info getPersonalInfo() {
return personalInfo;
- Since:
- 9.0
- Author:
- yael
public abstract String path
- Default:
- ""
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