Packages |
com.gigaspaces |
com.gigaspaces.annotation.pojo |
Provides annotations to support POJO usage with GigaSpaces. |
com.gigaspaces.async |
Provides GigaSpaces asynchronous operations related interfaces. |
com.gigaspaces.client |
Deprecated: use org.openspaces.core instead. |
com.gigaspaces.client.iterator |
Provides classes to configure GSIterator. |
com.gigaspaces.client.protective |
com.gigaspaces.cluster.replication.async.mirror |
Provides information about mirror statistics. |
com.gigaspaces.cluster.replication.gateway.conflict |
com.gigaspaces.cluster.replication.statistics |
Provides information about replication statistics. |
com.gigaspaces.config.lrmi.nio |
Provides classes to configure LRMI NIO. |
com.gigaspaces.datasource |
Provides GigaSpaces DataSource implementation. |
com.gigaspaces.document |
Provides GigaSpaces Document API. | |
Provides GigaSpaces events related interfaces. | |
com.gigaspaces.log |
com.gigaspaces.logger |
Package Specification
GigaSpaces makes logging calls by use of the JavaTM platform's core logging facilities. |
com.gigaspaces.lrmi |
Provides GigaSpaces LRMI (Light-RMI) package. |
com.gigaspaces.lrmi.nio.filters |
Provides classes to configure and customize IO Filters (e.g. |
com.gigaspaces.metadata |
Provides classes and interfaces encapsulating space entries metadata. |
com.gigaspaces.metadata.index |
Provides classes and interfaces encapsulating space entries indexes. |
com.gigaspaces.query |
Provides classes and interfaces to execute queries on space entries. |
com.gigaspaces.query.xml |
| |
GigaSpaces security is used to secure numerous demanding environments at different levels of security. | |
Service-side security auditing
Server-side security auditing using the configuration given entirely by the LogManager properties. | |
Security Authorities
There are four categories of user authorities. | |
Security Directory
The security directory (storing users and roles) is managed by the Directory Manager. | |
Security Encoding
The Encoding mechanism is separated into two - password encoding and content encoding. | |
| |
| |
com.gigaspaces.server |
Provides classes and interfaces representing server-side entities. |
com.gigaspaces.server.eviction |
com.gigaspaces.sync |
com.gigaspaces.sync.change |
com.gigaspaces.transaction |
com.j_spaces.core |
Provides Space properties and security context services |
com.j_spaces.core.admin |
Provides GigaSpaces administration services |
com.j_spaces.core.client |
Provides GigaSpaces client interface services |
com.j_spaces.core.client.view |
GigaSpace client view files. |
com.j_spaces.core.cluster |
Provides GigaSpaces cluster plug-in interfaces |
com.j_spaces.core.exception |
Defines a common exceptions used in core. |
com.j_spaces.core.filters |
Provides GigaSpaces filter plug-in interfaces. |
com.j_spaces.core.filters.entry |
Provides GigaSpaces filter plug-in interfaces. |
com.j_spaces.core.multiple |
Provides exceptions thrown when a batch operation triggers one or more errors. |
com.j_spaces.core.multiple.query |
Provides exceptions thrown when a batch query operation triggers one or more errors. |
com.j_spaces.javax.cache |
Deprecated: use com.gigaspaces.datasource instead. |
com.j_spaces.jdbc.driver |
Provides GigaSpaces JDBC interfaces |
com.j_spaces.kernel |
Provides GigaSpaces low level services | |
Provides GigaSpaces MAP API |
com.j_spaces.sadapter.datasource |
com.sun.jini.action |
Provides convenience PrivilegedAction
implementations for retrieving system property values. |
com.sun.jini.admin |
Interfaces that a service might choose to use
for some common administrative tasks. |
com.sun.jini.collection |
Various collection classes used internally by code in
com.sun.jini classes. |
com.sun.jini.config |
Defines convenience classes for writing configuration files and accessing Configuration entries. |
com.sun.jini.constants |
These are interfaces and classes for working with certain constants. |
com.sun.jini.discovery |
Provides a set of constraints, low-level utility classes, and provider
interfaces for participating in versions 1 and 2 of the multicast request,
multicast announcement, and unicast discovery protocols. |
com.sun.jini.discovery.internal |
com.sun.jini.discovery.plaintext |
Provides an implementation of the net.jini.discovery.plaintext
discovery format, specified in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join
Specification. |
com.sun.jini.landlord |
This is a utility for services implementing leases. | |
Some basic utility classes for helping with
client-side lease renewal operations. |
com.sun.jini.loader.pref.internal |
com.sun.jini.logging |
Defines convenience classes for use with the java.util.logging
package. |
com.sun.jini.lookup.entry |
Helper utility classes for managing entries used as lookup service attributes. |
com.sun.jini.mahalo |
Provides implementations of the
TransactionManager service. |
com.sun.jini.mahalo.log |
Utilities for managing Mahalo's recoverable log of transaction state. |
com.sun.jini.proxy |
com.sun.jini.reggie |
Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar . |
com.sun.jini.reliableLog |
Reliable log is used to store state in case of system crash
or reboot. |
com.sun.jini.resource |
Utility classes for manipulating resources. |
com.sun.jini.start |
Provides the utilities and APIs used to launch the contributed services
provided in the Jini(TM) Technology Starter Kit (starter kit). |
com.sun.jini.system |
Utility classes helping with interactions with the underlying system. |
com.sun.jini.thread |
These are utility classes and interfaces for helping with tasks done in multiple threads. |
com.sun.jini.tool |
Tools for: checking configuration files; checking for missing
serialVersionUID fields; computing class dependencies;
generating permission grants to debug security policy setup; providing
HTTP service; generating message digests; generating HTTPMD URLs;
generating wrapper JAR files; and generating preferred lists. |
com.sun.jini.tool.envcheck |
Tool for examining the run-time environment of a Jini component. |
com.sun.jini.tool.envcheck.plugins |
net.jini.activation |
Extensions to the Java(TM) Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) activation
framework to support activatable objects that are exported using an
Exporter to go inactive, to provide invocation
handlers for exporters that want to use dynamic proxies for
activatable remote objects, and to support trust verification of
secure activatable dynamic proxies and secure activation identifiers. |
net.jini.admin |
These interfaces provide common ways to export
particular administrative functionality. |
net.jini.config |
Provides a Configuration interface for obtaining
objects needed to configure applications, such as Exporter or ProxyPreparer
instances, or other application-specific objects, from configuration
files, databases, or other sources. |
net.jini.constraint |
Provides a basic implementation of
MethodConstraints and a
TrustVerifier for common constraints. |
net.jini.core.constraint |
Defines constraints and collections of constraints that can be used to control
method invocation, and an interface that proxies implement to allow clients
to specify constraints for remote method calls. |
net.jini.core.discovery |
A standard utility class for finding particular lookup services. |
net.jini.core.entry |
The Entry interface and its associated
UnusableEntryException are used by the lookup service
to represent service-specific attributes and by the JavaSpace
interface to mark entries. |
net.jini.core.event |
The RemoteEventListener interface and related standard classes. | |
These are distributed leasing interfaces and classes. |
net.jini.core.lookup |
These are the lookup service interfaces and classes. |
net.jini.core.transaction |
These are the transaction abstraction's interfaces and classes. |
net.jini.core.transaction.server |
These are the default transaction semantics for participant/manager interaction. |
net.jini.discovery |
These are utility classes and interfaces that conform to the discovery and join
protocol defined in the Jini(TM) Discovery and Join Specification. |
net.jini.discovery.dynamic |
net.jini.entry |
Provides classes that are useful when handling or implementing
entries. |
net.jini.event |
net.jini.export |
Provides generic abstractions for exporting remote objects (Exporter ), obtaining a proxy from an exported remote
object (ProxyAccessor ), obtaining the
server-side context information for an executing remote call (ServerContext ), and defining export permissions
(ExportPermission ). | |
Provides classes and interfaces for using universally unique
identifiers. |
net.jini.iiop |
Provides an Exporter implementation,
IiopExporter , that can be used to export
and unexport
RMI-IIOP remote
objects. | |
Provides I/O interfaces and utility classes. | |
Provides type definitions for elements commonly found in the context
collections available from
ServerContext and
ObjectStreamContext . | |
Standard service and utility classes for managing leases. |
net.jini.loader |
Provides interfaces and utility classes related to dynamic class
loading with RMIClassLoader . |
net.jini.loader.pref |
Provides class loader and RMIClassLoader
provider implementations that support preferred classes. |
net.jini.lookup |
Standard utility classes for managing the join state of a service
and the service discovery duties of a client or service. |
net.jini.lookup.entry |
These are common entry classes for use as attributes in lookup services and
their associated JavaBeans(TM) component wrapping classes. | |
Provides mechanisms and abstractions for managing security, especially in the
presence of dynamically downloaded code. | |
Provides an interface for security policy providers capable of dynamic
permission grants, an interface for security manager or policy providers
that use custom security context state, and a security policy provider
supporting dynamic permission grants. | |
Defines a trust verifier to support verification of proxies that use
dynamically downloaded code, implementation mechanisms to support the
verification of such proxies, and an exporter for remote objects that have
such proxies. | |
JavaSpaces(TM) servers provide a place on the network, a space,
for clients to store and exchange objects. |
net.jini.url.file |
Provides support for FILE URLs. |
net.jini.url.httpmd |
Provides support for the HTTPMD URL protocol. |
net.jini.url.https |
Provides support for HTTPS URLs. |
org.openspaces.admin |
Entry point for Admin API, allowing to use AdminFactory in order to create an Admin instance. |
org.openspaces.admin.alert |
Support for managing Alerts through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.alert.alerts |
org.openspaces.admin.alert.config |
org.openspaces.admin.alert.config.parser |
| |
org.openspaces.admin.application |
org.openspaces.admin.application.config |
org.openspaces.admin.application.deploy |
| |
org.openspaces.admin.bean |
Support for managing admin Beans through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.config |
org.openspaces.admin.dump |
org.openspaces.admin.esm |
Support for managing of Elastic Service Manager(s) through the Admin API. | |
org.openspaces.admin.gateway |
| |
org.openspaces.admin.gsa |
Support for managing of Grid Service Agent(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Grid Service Agent events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.gsc |
Support for managing of Grid Service Container(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Grid Service Container events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.gsm |
Support for managing of Grid Service Manager(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Elastic Service Manager events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.lus |
Support for managing of Lookup Service(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Lookup Service events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.machine |
Support for managing of Machine(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Machine events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.memcached |
org.openspaces.admin.memcached.config |
org.openspaces.admin.os |
Support for managing of Operating System(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Operating System events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.pu |
Support for managing of Processing Unit(s) through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.config |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.dependency |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.dependency.config |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.elastic |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.elastic.config |
| |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.elastic.topology |
| |
Support for managing of Processing Unit events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.statistics |
org.openspaces.admin.pu.topology |
org.openspaces.admin.samples |
| |
Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API. | |
| |
Support for managing of Space events through the Admin API. | |
org.openspaces.admin.transport |
Support for managing of Transport(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Transport events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.admin.vm |
Support for managing of Virtual Machine(s) through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Virtual Machine events through the Admin API. | |
Support for managing of Zone(s) through the Admin API. | |
| |
Support for managing of Zone events through the Admin API. |
org.openspaces.archive |
org.openspaces.archive.config |
org.openspaces.core |
Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and
the ability to create it. |
org.openspaces.core.bean |
org.openspaces.core.cluster |
Cluster information holder objects and abstraction allowing for custom
beans to be injected with it (if set). |
org.openspaces.core.config |
Support classes for Spring namespace based configuration of OpenSpaces core. |
org.openspaces.core.config.modifiers |
org.openspaces.core.config.xmlparser |
org.openspaces.core.context |
Allowing to inject configured GigaSpace instances within Spring application context using annotations. |
org.openspaces.core.exception |
Includes exception translation services from core GigaSpaces exception into runtime data
exception hierarchy. |
org.openspaces.core.executor |
org.openspaces.core.executor.juc |
| |
org.openspaces.core.gateway |
org.openspaces.core.gateway.config |
org.openspaces.core.jini |
A package including jini related services such as JiniServiceFactoryBean allowing to lookup
a Jini service and use it within Spring. | |
A package including factory beans to create GigaSpaces IMap or JCache Cache based on an
IJSpace instance. | |
A package supporting advance properties based configuration (based on Spring Properties configuration
support) and the ability to inject them externally to a Spring application context. | |
This package is responsible for simplifying the creation of IJSpace implementation. | |
A package allowing for simpler creation of Local Cache and Local View (expose an IJSpace) based
on an actual IJSpace instance (usually created using the package). | |
A package allowing to simplify the injection of an actual ISpaceFilter instance during
Space creation. | |
A package allowing to create an actual IReplicationFilter instance and inject it during
Space creation. | |
A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event
support. | |
| |
org.openspaces.core.transaction |
A package exposing the ability to get a GigaSpaces/Jini current transaction (integrating with
Spring transaction management). |
org.openspaces.core.transaction.config |
org.openspaces.core.transaction.manager |
Jini and Local transaction managers using Spring abstraction for transaction managers
(PlatformTransactionManager). |
org.openspaces.core.util |
A package including utility classes for OpenSpaces core. |
org.openspaces.core.util.numbers |
| |
A package including based classes and support classes for different OpenSpaces event containers. | |
A package including adapter implementation of SpaceDataEventListener allowing to use either
annotation or method listing to listen for events generated by different event containers. | |
| |
| |
| |
Support classes allowing to configure OpenSpace event module using Spring namespace support. | |
A notify event container allowing to use GigaSpace support for notifications. | |
| |
A polling event container generating events by performing polling receive operations. | |
| |
An abstraction on top of the actual receive operation performed by the polling event container. | |
An abstraction on top of the trigger operation performed before the initiation of transactional receive
operation. | |
org.openspaces.extensions |
org.openspaces.grid.esm |
org.openspaces.grid.gsa |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.autoscaling |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.autoscaling.exceptions |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.capacity |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.containers |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.containers.exceptions |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines.backup |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines.exceptions |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines.isolation |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines.plugins |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines.plugins.discovered |
| |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.machines.plugins.exceptions |
| |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.rebalancing |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.rebalancing.exceptions |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.sla |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.sla.exceptions |
org.openspaces.grid.gsm.strategy |
org.openspaces.hibernate.cache |
An implementation of Hibernate second level cache using GigaSpaces. |
org.openspaces.interop |
org.openspaces.jdbc.config |
Support classes to configure OpenSpaces jdbc using Spring namespace support. |
org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource |
Implementations of Jdbc DataSource interface using GigaSpaces support for Jdbc based on an
actual IJSpace or GigaSpace implementation. |
org.openspaces.jee.sessions.jetty |
org.openspaces.jms |
Holds simple factory beans to create GigaSpaces implementations of JMS ConnectionFactory and XAConnectionFactory. |
org.openspaces.jms.config |
Support classes to configure OpenSpaces Jms using Spring namespace support. |
org.openspaces.jpa |
Holds OpenSpaces JPA implementations. |
org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa |
Holds OpenSpaces OpenJPA extensions. |
org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa.query |
Holds OpenSpaces OpenJPA query related implementations. |
org.openspaces.jpa.openjpa.query.executor |
Holds OpenSpaces OpenJPA query execution related implementations. |
org.openspaces.launcher |
| |
org.openspaces.memcached |
org.openspaces.memcached.protocol |
org.openspaces.memcached.protocol.binary |
org.openspaces.memcached.protocol.exceptions |
org.openspaces.memcached.protocol.text |
org.openspaces.memcached.util |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.archive |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.datasource |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.error |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta.conversion |
| |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta.mapping |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta.mapping.filter |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta.mapping.node |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta.types |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.meta.types.dynamic |
org.openspaces.persistency.cassandra.pool |
org.openspaces.persistency.hibernate |
An implementation of GigaSpaces external data source using Hibernate. |
org.openspaces.persistency.hibernate.iterator |
A set of implementations of DataIterator using Hibernate. |
org.openspaces.persistency.patterns |
Set of patterns that can be used to wrap different external data sources. | |
Support classes for persistency. |
org.openspaces.persistency.utils |
Utility classes when using persistency. |
org.openspaces.pu.container |
An abstraction of a Processing Unit Containers. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.integrated |
An integrated (embedded) processing unit container allowing to integrate the execution of a
Processing Unit within an application or executed within an IDE. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.context |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.jetty.holder |
| |
| |
org.openspaces.pu.container.jee.stats |
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid |
A Service Grid based processing unit container. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.deploy |
A package including the ability to deploy a processing unit onto the Service Grid. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid.jmxs |
org.openspaces.pu.container.spi |
Internal (SPI) level interfaces for processing unit containers. |
org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone |
A standalone processing unit container. | |
Support classes for processing unit containers including command line parsers and Spring resource based
application context. |
org.openspaces.pu.service |
org.openspaces.pu.sla |
Definition of SLA (Service Level Agreement) when deploying onto an SLA enabled container (such as the
Service Grid). |
org.openspaces.pu.sla.config |
Support classes allowing to configure OpenSpaces SLA using xml namespaces based on Spring namespaces support. |
org.openspaces.pu.sla.monitor |
Allowing to configure monitors/watches within SLA definition. |
org.openspaces.pu.sla.requirement |
The requirements part of SLA definition allowing to control where a certain processing unit can be
deployed (based on the requirements defined). |
org.openspaces.remoting |
A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting
integrations. |
org.openspaces.remoting.config |
Support for namespace based configuration of OpenSpaces remoting module using Spring namespace support. |
org.openspaces.remoting.scripting |
org.openspaces.remoting.scripting.cache |
| |
| |
org.openspaces.ui |
Copyright (c) 2012 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. |
org.openspaces.xml |