GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API


Support for managing of Operating System events through the Admin API.


Interface Summary
OperatingSystemsStatisticsChangedEventListener An event listener called when statistics have changed.
OperatingSystemsStatisticsChangedEventManager An event manager allowing to add and remove OperatingSystemsStatisticsChangedEventListener.
OperatingSystemStatisticsChangedEventListener An event listener called when statistics have changed.
OperatingSystemStatisticsChangedEventManager An event manager allowing to add and remove OperatingSystemStatisticsChangedEventListener.

Class Summary
OperatingSystemsStatisticsChangedEvent An event indicating that OperatingSystemsStatistics have changed.
OperatingSystemStatisticsChangedEvent An event indicating that OperatingSystemStatistics have changed.

Package Description

Support for managing of Operating System events through the Admin API.

GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

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