GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use ChangeModifiers
com.gigaspaces.client Deprecated: use org.openspaces.core instead. 
org.openspaces.core Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. 

Uses of ChangeModifiers in com.gigaspaces.client

Fields in com.gigaspaces.client declared as ChangeModifiers
static ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.MEMORY_ONLY_SEARCH
          Search for matching entries in cache memory only (do not use the underlying external data source).
static ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.NONE
          Empty - use operation default behavior.
static ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.ONE_WAY
          Operation is executed in one way mode, meaning no return value will be provided.
static ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.RETURN_DETAILED_RESULTS
          Return details results meaning the ChangeResult.getResults() should contain data, otherwise only the number of changed entries will be returned as a result which can be accessed via the ChangeResult.getNumberOfChangedEntries().

Methods in com.gigaspaces.client that return ChangeModifiers
 ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.add(ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Creates a new modifiers instance which is a union of the specified modifiers and this instance.
protected  ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.create(int modifiers)
 ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.remove(ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Creates a new modifiers instance which excludes the specified modifiers from this instance.

Methods in com.gigaspaces.client with parameters of type ChangeModifiers
 ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.add(ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Creates a new modifiers instance which is a union of the specified modifiers and this instance.
 boolean ChangeModifiers.contains(ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Checks if the specified modifier is set.
 ChangeModifiers ChangeModifiers.remove(ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Creates a new modifiers instance which excludes the specified modifiers from this instance.

Constructors in com.gigaspaces.client with parameters of type ChangeModifiers
ChangeModifiers(ChangeModifiers... modifiers)
          Creates a new modifiers from the specified modifiers.
ChangeModifiers(ChangeModifiers modifiers1, ChangeModifiers modifiers2)
          Creates a new modifiers from the specified modifiers.
ChangeModifiers(ChangeModifiers modifiers1, ChangeModifiers modifiers2, ChangeModifiers modifiers3)
          Creates a new modifiers from the specified modifiers.

Uses of ChangeModifiers in org.openspaces.core

Methods in org.openspaces.core that return ChangeModifiers
 ChangeModifiers DefaultGigaSpace.getDefaultChangeModifiers()
 ChangeModifiers GigaSpace.getDefaultChangeModifiers()
          Gets the default ChangeModifiers set during this GigaSpace configuration.

Methods in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type ChangeModifiers
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Changes an existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
          Changes existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
          Changes existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
          Changes existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Changes an existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
          Changes existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
          Changes existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
DefaultGigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
<T> Future<ChangeResult<T>>
GigaSpace.asyncChange(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout, AsyncFutureListener<ChangeResult<T>> listener)
          Changes existing objects in space in an asynchronous manner, returning immidiately with a future.
<T> ChangeResult<T>
DefaultGigaSpace.change(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
<T> ChangeResult<T>
GigaSpace.change(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Changes existing objects in space, returning a change result which provides details of the operation affect.
<T> ChangeResult<T>
DefaultGigaSpace.change(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
<T> ChangeResult<T>
GigaSpace.change(ISpaceQuery<T> query, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
          Changes existing objects in space, returning a change result which provides details of the operation affect.
<T> ChangeResult<T>
DefaultGigaSpace.change(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
<T> ChangeResult<T>
GigaSpace.change(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers)
          Changes existing objects in space, returning a change result which provides details of the operation affect.
<T> ChangeResult<T>
DefaultGigaSpace.change(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
<T> ChangeResult<T>
GigaSpace.change(T template, ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout)
          Changes existing objects in space, returning a change result which provides details of the operation affect.
 GigaSpaceConfigurer GigaSpaceConfigurer.defaultChangeModifiers(ChangeModifiers defaultChangeModifiers)
 void DefaultGigaSpace.setDefaultChangeModifiers(ChangeModifiers defaultChangeModifiers)
          Sets the default ChangeModifiers when excecution DefaultGigaSpace.change(Object, ChangeSet)
 void GigaSpaceFactoryBean.setDefaultChangeModifiers(ChangeModifiers[] defaultChangeModifiers)
          Set the default ChangeModifiers to be used for change operations on the GigaSpace instance.

Uses of ChangeModifiers in org.openspaces.extensions

Methods in org.openspaces.extensions with parameters of type ChangeModifiers
<T,D extends Number>
ChangeExtension.addAndGet(GigaSpace gigaSpace, IdQuery<T> idQuery, String path, D delta, ChangeModifiers modifiers, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Atomically adds the given value to the current value of an entry's property.

GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

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