GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
com.sun.jini.collection Various collection classes used internally by code in com.sun.jini classes. 

Uses of WeakSoftTable.SoftValue in com.sun.jini.collection

Methods in com.sun.jini.collection that return WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
 WeakSoftTable.SoftValue WeakSoftTable.get(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey key, int index)
          Returns the value associated with the specified key and index, or null if not found.
 WeakSoftTable.SoftValue WeakSoftTable.remove(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey key, int index)
          Removes and returns the index'th value associated with the specified key.

Methods in com.sun.jini.collection with parameters of type WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
 void WeakSoftTable.add(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey key, WeakSoftTable.SoftValue value)
          Associates an additional value with the specified key.

Constructors in com.sun.jini.collection with parameters of type WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
WeakSoftTable.SoftValue(WeakSoftTable.SoftValue softValue, ReferenceQueue queue)
          Creates a copy of the value registered with the queue.

GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

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