GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProxyTrustIterator
net.jini.activation Extensions to the Java(TM) Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) activation framework to support activatable objects that are exported using an Exporter to go inactive, to provide invocation handlers for exporters that want to use dynamic proxies for activatable remote objects, and to support trust verification of secure activatable dynamic proxies and secure activation identifiers. Defines a trust verifier to support verification of proxies that use dynamically downloaded code, implementation mechanisms to support the verification of such proxies, and an exporter for remote objects that have such proxies. 

Uses of ProxyTrustIterator in net.jini.activation

Methods in net.jini.activation that return ProxyTrustIterator
protected  ProxyTrustIterator ActivatableInvocationHandler.getProxyTrustIterator()
          Returns a proxy trust iterator for an activatable object that is suitable for use by ProxyTrustVerifier.

Uses of ProxyTrustIterator in

Classes in that implement ProxyTrustIterator
 class SingletonProxyTrustIterator
          A simple ProxyTrustIterator that produces a single object as the only element of the iteration.

Methods in that return ProxyTrustIterator
protected  ProxyTrustIterator ProxyTrustInvocationHandler.getProxyTrustIterator()
          Returns an iterator that produces the bootstrap proxy as the only element of the iteration.

GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

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