GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use LogEntryMatcherFilter

Uses of LogEntryMatcherFilter in com.gigaspaces.log

Subclasses of LogEntryMatcherFilter in com.gigaspaces.log
 class AfterEntryLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will return log entries that happened from (after) the provided log entry.
 class AfterTimeLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will match only on log entries that occurred after the specified time.
 class BeforeEntryLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will return log entries that happened till the provided log entry.
 class BeforeTimeLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will match only on log entries that occurred before the specified time.
 class ContainsStringLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher filter that will filter out all log entries that do not contain the provided string.
 class FirstFileLogEntryMatcher
          A matcher that will be executed only on the first log file.
 class LastNLogEntryMatcher
          Returns the last N log entries.
 class NoneLogEntryMatcher
          A log entry matcher filter that matches on nothing.
 class RegexLogEntryMatcher
          A log entry matcher filter that will match on log entries which match on the given regular expression.
 class SameFileLogEntryMatcher
          A log entry matcher filter that matches on logs that only exists within the same log file.

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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