GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IMap
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
org.openspaces.core Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. A package including factory beans to create GigaSpaces IMap or JCache Cache based on an IJSpace instance. 
org.openspaces.hibernate.cache An implementation of Hibernate second level cache using GigaSpaces. 

Uses of IMap in com.j_spaces.core.client

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type IMap
static TransactionManager LocalTransactionManager.getInstance(IMap map)
          Deprecated. Returns single instance of LocalTransactionManager per map.

Uses of IMap in org.openspaces.core

Methods in org.openspaces.core that return IMap
 IMap DefaultGigaMap.getMap()
 IMap GigaMap.getMap()
          Returns the IMap used by this GigaMap implementation to delegate different space operations.

Methods in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type IMap
 void GigaMapFactoryBean.setMap(IMap map)
          Sets the map that will be used by the created GigaMap.

Constructors in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type IMap
DefaultGigaMap(IMap map, TransactionProvider txProvider, ExceptionTranslator exTranslator, int defaultIsolationLevel)
          Constructs a new DefaultGigaMap implementation.
GigaMapConfigurer(IMap map)

Uses of IMap in

Methods in that return IMap
protected  IMap MapFactoryBean.createMap()
 IMap MapConfigurer.createMap()
          Creates an IMap based on the configuration.
          Creates an IMap based on the configuration.

Constructors in with parameters of type IMap
LockManager(IMap map)
          Creates a new Lock Manager based on the IMap.

Uses of IMap in org.openspaces.hibernate.cache

Methods in org.openspaces.hibernate.cache that return IMap
protected  IMap AbstractMapCacheProvider.getMap()

Constructors in org.openspaces.hibernate.cache with parameters of type IMap
SimpleMapCache(String regionName, IMap map, long timeToLive, long waitForResponse)
TransactionalMapCache(String regionName, IMap map, long timeToLive, long waitForResponse, TransactionManager transactionManager, LocalTransactionManager localTransactionManager)

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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