GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Exporter
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
net.jini.activation Extensions to the Java(TM) Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) activation framework to support activatable objects that are exported using an Exporter to go inactive, to provide invocation handlers for exporters that want to use dynamic proxies for activatable remote objects, and to support trust verification of secure activatable dynamic proxies and secure activation identifiers. 
net.jini.iiop Provides an Exporter implementation, IiopExporter, that can be used to export and unexport RMI-IIOP remote objects. Defines a trust verifier to support verification of proxies that use dynamically downloaded code, implementation mechanisms to support the verification of such proxies, and an exporter for remote objects that have such proxies. 

Uses of Exporter in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Fields in com.sun.jini.mahalo declared as Exporter
protected  Exporter TxnManagerImpl.exporter
          The exporter for exporting and unexporting

Uses of Exporter in net.jini.activation

Classes in net.jini.activation that implement Exporter
 class ActivationExporter
          An Exporter implementation for exporting an activatable remote object using its underlying exporter.

Methods in net.jini.activation with parameters of type Exporter
static boolean ActivationGroup.inactive(ActivationID id, Exporter exporter)
          Attempts to make the remote object that is associated with the specified activation identifier, and that was exported through the specified exporter, inactive.
abstract  boolean ActivationGroup.inactiveObject(ActivationID id, Exporter exporter)
          Attempts to make the remote object that is associated with the specified activation identifier, and that was exported through the specified exporter, inactive.

Constructors in net.jini.activation with parameters of type Exporter
ActivationExporter(ActivationID id, Exporter underlyingExporter)
          Creates an exporter for an activatable remote object with the specified activation identifier, underlying exporter, and a null class loader.
ActivationExporter(ActivationID id, Exporter underlyingExporter, ClassLoader loader)
          Creates an exporter for an activatable remote object with the specified activation identifier, underlying exporter, and class loader.

Uses of Exporter in net.jini.iiop

Classes in net.jini.iiop that implement Exporter
 class IiopExporter
          An IiopExporter can be used to export a single remote object to the RMI-IIOP runtime.

Uses of Exporter in

Classes in that implement Exporter
 class ProxyTrustExporter
          Contains the information necessary to export a remote object that has a proxy that will not directly be considered trusted by clients, such that the proxy can be trusted by clients using ProxyTrustVerifier.

Constructors in with parameters of type Exporter
ProxyTrustExporter(Exporter mainExporter, Exporter bootExporter)
          Creates an instance with the specified main exporter (which will be used to export the main remote object) and the specified bootstrap exporter (which will be used to export the bootstrap remote object).
ProxyTrustExporter(Exporter mainExporter, Exporter bootExporter, ClassLoader loader)
          Creates an instance with the specified main exporter (which will be used to export the main remote object), the specified bootstrap exporter (which will be used to export the bootstrap remote object), and the specified class loader (in which the generated dynamic proxy class will be defined).

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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