GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Uuid
com.gigaspaces.client Deprecated: use org.openspaces.core instead. 
com.j_spaces.core.client Provides GigaSpaces client interface services 
com.sun.jini.landlord This is a utility for services implementing leases. 
com.sun.jini.mahalo Provides implementations of the TransactionManager service. 
com.sun.jini.reggie Provides implementations of ServiceRegistrar Provides classes and interfaces for using universally unique identifiers. 
org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid A Service Grid based processing unit container. 

Uses of Uuid in com.gigaspaces.client

Methods in com.gigaspaces.client that return Uuid
 Uuid IServerAdmin.getReferentUuid()
          Returns the unique Uuid of this space instance.

Uses of Uuid in com.j_spaces.core.client

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client that return Uuid
 Uuid EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.getSpaceUuid()
          Returns the unique uid of the space the event originated from.

Methods in com.j_spaces.core.client with parameters of type Uuid
protected  void EntryArrivedRemoteEvent.setSpaceProxyUuid(Uuid spaceProxyUuid)

Uses of Uuid in com.sun.jini.landlord

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord that return Uuid
 Uuid LeasedResource.getCookie()
          Returns the universally unique identifier associated with this lease.
 Uuid LandlordLease.getReferentUuid()

Methods in com.sun.jini.landlord with parameters of type Uuid
 void Landlord.cancel(Uuid cookie)
          Called by the lease when its cancel method is called.
 void LocalLandlord.cancel(Uuid cookie)
          Cancel the lease that is associated with the given cookie.
static Map LandlordUtil.cancelAll(LocalLandlord landlord, Uuid[] cookies)
          Call landlord.cancel() for each object in cookies[], passing cookies[i].
 Map Landlord.cancelAll(Uuid[] cookies)
          Called by the lease map when its cancelAll method is called.
 LandlordLease LeaseFactory.newLease(Uuid cookie, long expiration)
          Return a new LandlordLease with the specified initial expiration and cookie using the inner proxy and Uuid the factory was created with.
 LandlordLease LeaseFactory.newTransactionLease(Uuid cookie, long expiration)
          Return a new MahaloTxnLease with the specified initial expiration and cookie using the inner proxy and Uuid the factory was created with.
 long Landlord.renew(Uuid cookie, long duration)
          Called by the lease when its renew method is called.
 long LocalLandlord.renew(Uuid cookie, long duration)
          Renew the lease that is associated with the given cookie.
static Landlord.RenewResults LandlordUtil.renewAll(LocalLandlord landlord, Uuid[] cookies, long[] durations)
          Call landlord.renew() for each object in cookie[], passing cookie[i] and durations[i].
 Landlord.RenewResults Landlord.renewAll(Uuid[] cookies, long[] durations)
          Called by the lease map when its renewAll method is called.

Constructors in com.sun.jini.landlord with parameters of type Uuid
ConstrainableLandlordLease(Uuid cookie, Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid, long expiration, MethodConstraints methodConstraints)
          Create a new ConstrainableLandlordLease.
LandlordLease(Uuid cookie, Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid, long expiration)
          Create a new LandlordLease.
LandlordProxyVerifier(Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid)
          Returns a verifier for the proxies defined in the landlord package with the specified server reference and server Uuid.
LeaseFactory(Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid)
          Create a new LeaseFactory that will create LandlordLeases with the specified Landlord and landlord Uuid.

Uses of Uuid in com.sun.jini.mahalo

Fields in com.sun.jini.mahalo declared as Uuid
 Uuid TxnMgrProxy.proxyID
          The proxy's Uuid

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo that return Uuid
 Uuid TxnMgrProxy.getReferentUuid()
          Returns the universally unique identifier that has been assigned to the resource this proxy represents.

Methods in com.sun.jini.mahalo with parameters of type Uuid
 void LeaseExpirationMgr.Expirer.cancel(Uuid cookie)
          Called by a LeaseExpirationMgr when it needs to expire a resource.
 void TxnManagerImpl.cancel(Uuid uuid)
          Cancels the lease on a Transaction.
 Map TxnManagerImpl.cancelAll(Uuid[] cookies)
          Bulk cancel of leases on Transactions.
static TxnMgrProxy TxnMgrProxy.create(TxnManager txnMgr, TxnManager direct, Uuid id)
 long TxnManagerImpl.renew(Uuid uuid, long extension)
          Requests the renewal of a lease on a Transaction.
 Landlord.RenewResults TxnManagerImpl.renewAll(Uuid[] cookies, long[] extensions)
          Bulk renewal request of leases on Transactions.

Constructors in com.sun.jini.mahalo with parameters of type Uuid
MahaloTxnBasicLease(Uuid cookie, Landlord landlord, Uuid landlordUuid, long expiration)

Uses of Uuid in com.sun.jini.reggie

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie that return Uuid
 Uuid UuidGenerator.generate()
          Generates a new Uuid.

Methods in com.sun.jini.reggie with parameters of type Uuid
 void GigaRegistrar.addAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
 void Registrar.addAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
          Adds the specified attribute sets (those that aren't duplicates of existing attribute sets) to the registered service item.
 void GigaRegistrar.cancelEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID)
 void Registrar.cancelEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID)
          Cancels an event lease.
 Exception[] GigaRegistrar.cancelLeases(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs)
 Exception[] Registrar.cancelLeases(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs)
          Cancels service and event leases from a LeaseMap.
 void GigaRegistrar.cancelServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID)
 void Registrar.cancelServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID)
          Cancels a service lease.
 void GigaRegistrar.modifyAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls, EntryRep[] attrSets)
 void Registrar.modifyAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls, EntryRep[] attrSets)
          Modifies existing attribute sets of a registered service item.
 long GigaRegistrar.renewEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID, long renewDuration)
 long Registrar.renewEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID, long duration)
          Renews an event lease.
 RenewResults GigaRegistrar.renewLeases(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs, long[] renewDurations)
 RenewResults Registrar.renewLeases(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs, long[] durations)
          Renews service and event leases from a LeaseMap.
 long GigaRegistrar.renewServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, long renewDuration)
 long Registrar.renewServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, long duration)
          Renews a service lease.
 void GigaRegistrar.setAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
 void Registrar.setAttributes(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, EntryRep[] attrSets)
          Deletes all of the service item's existing attributes, and replaces them with the specified attribute sets.

Uses of Uuid in

Methods in that return Uuid
static Uuid UuidFactory.create(long bits0, long bits1)
          Creates a new Uuid with the specified 128-bit value.
static Uuid UuidFactory.create(String s)
          Creates a new Uuid with the 128-bit value represented by the specified string.
static Uuid UuidFactory.generate()
          Generates a new Uuid with 122 bits of its value produced from a cryptographically strong random sequence.
 Uuid ReferentUuid.getReferentUuid()
          Return the Uuid that has been assigned to the resource this proxy represents.
static Uuid in)
          Creates a new Uuid with the 128-bit value obtained by unmarshalling a binary representation from the supplied InputStream.

Uses of Uuid in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid

Constructors in org.openspaces.pu.container.servicegrid with parameters of type Uuid
PUServiceBeanProxy(PUServiceBean gsc, Uuid id)
          Private constructor

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

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