GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

Interface Plugin

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPlugin, CheckActivationSystem, CheckCodebase, CheckConfig, CheckJDK1_4, CheckJSKPlatform, CheckJSKPolicy, CheckJsseProps, CheckLoggingConfig, CheckNoLoopback, CheckPersistence, CheckPolicy

public interface Plugin

A test plugin.

Method Summary
 boolean isPluginOption(String arg)
          Determine whether arg is a plugin-specific command-line option for this plugin and save any necessary state.
 void run(EnvCheck envCheck)
          Run the test implemented by the plugin.

Method Detail


void run(EnvCheck envCheck)
Run the test implemented by the plugin.

envCheck - a reference to the driver instance.


boolean isPluginOption(String arg)
Determine whether arg is a plugin-specific command-line option for this plugin and save any necessary state. State should be saved in static fields since plugin instances may not be cached.

arg - the command-line option to examine
true if the plugin supports this option

GigaSpaces XAP 9.7.2 API

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